Chapter 7: Control is Overrated

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Kit's POV


It was a premium commodity.

If he couldn't keep it together then he would lose but he also know he didn't have it in him to hold out against Ming when all he wanted was to send Kit to his screaming climax. So he thought of something else. If he could get them to come together, then he would not have to feel guilty about denying Ming his pleasure.

Kit was determined to share this with him. His control might be tenuous but that was a relative term. If he could get Ming right there with him, everything would be fine.

So he kissed Ming's chest. His hands roaming everywhere, stroking erogenous zones in search of the right response. Gratified when he got it. Frustrated when Ming stymied his efforts by returning the favour and leaving him breathless and unfocused.

"Ming...could you just..." Stop. That's what Kit wanted to tell him. Stop driving me crazy. Stop stealing my breath. Stop making me fall even more deeply in love with you.

He said none of those things. Instead he tried to figure out what he could do that would snap Ming's tightly held control.

Oh god...can I actually do this? He wondered as an idea came into his head.

Ming had done it to him over and over again. Left his head spinning and his body trembling after his release. Could he do the same with any kind of success? He refused to let misgivings derail him from his intent. This was more important than his fear of making a mistake; the fear of doing something that would put Ming off. He needed to do this for Ming...and for himself.

Kit reached for Ming's cock. He was tentative at first but when he saw Ming close his eyes and gasp at the touch he felt his confidence rise. Hard and leaking precum, it felt like handling warm metal. Taking the appendage in his mouth and sucking on it Kit was gratified when he heard Ming's stuttered breath and growl of pleasure; it was like fire and ice.

"Baby..." The endearment pouring out of Ming's mouth like a prayer; soft and reverent.

Kit continued to lick and suck and taste and tease but he didn't want Ming to come like this. Letting go of Ming's cock reluctantly he parted his legs over Ming's thighs and watched as the man, so attune to his every move, put his long limbs together to allow Kit to shift over him. He pressed his body to Ming's. His hand never leaving the other man's cock as he manoeuvred himself into the right position. Their eyes never leaving each other. Ming's gaze so electric, it felt like a caress all its own.

Ming's hands were busy trying to hold him steady so Kit had the advantage. He stopped stroking Ming for long enough to shift his position so that he had a grip of the other man's cock from behind his back. Then he directed it to his opening, slick with lube and ready from Ming's earlier preparation. He lowered himself over Ming but he felt his sphincter protest when the head of Ming's cock nudged against it.

" have to get a condom."

"I...can we...just...forget it." He panted as he continued working his ass over Ming's cock. Feeling the flared head stretch and breach him. Feeling Ming's arms grab him so tight he would have palm sized bruises on his hips.


Whatever Ming had intended to say was lost in his shout of capitulation to Kit's plan. Ming surged up and into Kit just as Kit bore down and impaled himself on his hard cock. The possession so complete he was afraid he would come from this one act of union.

But Ming seemed to recognize his need and wasn't about to let him have his way. Kit didn't mind. If Ming wasn't willing to let him take over then he would just have to give in. So he smiled warmly at the man he loved and listened with glee when Ming growled in reaction.

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