In delirious flights I catch myself flying.
Above these dark clouds, I see the glow
Of the rays of bitter memories
And displeasure I lived.
One of those rays strikes me
And I find myself on the ground,
In the ashes of my own failure.Buried in the pit of delusions,
My wings are broken.
I will have to drag myself,
Carrying all this burden.
I will have to carry in my chest,
This heart...
Heavy and tired of so much suffering.
I still hope these wounds heal,
To cut the skies again.I will remember how to fly.
When I return to heaven,
I will meet what I have always been looking for.
I wanna feel the rain running on my skin,
Cleaning up my wounds.Heaven...
Heaven is the place that the oppressed
And too tired to live on earth will,
When there is no more strength to walk,
We will meet there.

Vivências em Estrofes
PoetryTodos nós passamos por fases na nossas vidas, eu também passei por diferentes e inúmeras fases. Peguei num lápis, borracha, caneta e um caderno, comecei a escrever. Em cada fase um poema nasceu, unirei todas essas folhas num livro. Ainda tenho muito...