I danced for the thunder,
I feared its lightning
But still,
I bathed in its rain
And I flew in its wind corrent.It was a passing storm;
Good weather is not always conducive
To making friends,
Or new lovers.A star shines in the endless sky,
The sun will rise again,
But soon it sets...Lost friends,
Missing lovers,
Nothing can be done
For them, or for anyone...All the stars are gone;
Beware of living
As if each day was the last.Just as the sun goes down,
As the storm is fleeting,
Our lives are also gone,
Life is also fleeting.

Vivências em Estrofes
PoesiaTodos nós passamos por fases na nossas vidas, eu também passei por diferentes e inúmeras fases. Peguei num lápis, borracha, caneta e um caderno, comecei a escrever. Em cada fase um poema nasceu, unirei todas essas folhas num livro. Ainda tenho muito...