I've been looking so long
For a true love,
Someone who can turn me into a song,
While protects me for life shove.He finally comes...
My imagination he overcomes,
Finally I found the one,
I'm not alone anymore.You've been always the one
Who bears my pain,
Something that the others didn't none,
They only would leave me in the rain.But I don't wanna do this anymore...
Everytime that I'm with him
I see him dying for me
I don't wanna hurt him anymore...
That isn't other mine whim
I think it's better broke up for him and me.Our memories will remain,
Your chest I'll miss,
Can we seal up with a kiss?
No more my pain your life will drain.
Vivências em Estrofes
PoesíaTodos nós passamos por fases na nossas vidas, eu também passei por diferentes e inúmeras fases. Peguei num lápis, borracha, caneta e um caderno, comecei a escrever. Em cada fase um poema nasceu, unirei todas essas folhas num livro. Ainda tenho muito...