The Official Meeting

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Zeus sat in his throne. He was about to call for order. "SILENCE!" He thundered. "We all know why we are here. Today is the day of the winter solstice. I also have an idea that I wish to discuss." The other gods and goddesses looked at him with rapt attention. "I propose that we each raise two of our children on Olympus. One Greek, one Roman. All in favour?" All the gods and goddesses agreed. Athena spoke next "The motion is passed. I also propose that we should raise them to be a council of their own. We are always complaining that we have no fun, and that we need a change. I think that we should crown them heir to the thrones when they turn ten. When they turn eighteen, they will take over for us. Every hundred years, we will switch councils. All in favour?" Once again, everyone agreed. It was settled. "Go find your choices." Zeus commanded "Meeting adjourned".

All twelve Olympians, minus Hera and Artemis, but plus Hades went to decide. Two hours later, everyone had returned.

"Announce who your children are. I will start. I have chosen Thalia Grace, Greek, and Jason Grace, Roman." Zeus proclaimed.

"I have decided on Perseus, or Percy, Jackson, Greek. Also, Pearl Carmen, Roman" Poseidon said.

"I have brought Nico Di Angelo, Greek, and Hazel Levesque, Roman." Hades said quietly.

"I chose Piper McLean, Greek, and Jasper McLean, Roman." Aphrodite squealed happily.

"I decided on Katie Gardner, Greek, and Don Spore, Roman." Demeter said.

"Clarisse La Rue, Greek, and Frank Zhang, Roman!" Ares boomed.

"I have Leo Valdez, Greek, and Carmen Esther, Roman." Hephaestus said.

"Annabeth Chase, Greek, and Colin Denver, Roman." Athena decreed.

"I brought Will Solace, Greek, and Soleil Turner, Roman" Apollo declared.

"Zeus told me to bring kids, so here's Caster Evans, and Lara Springfield. I think Lara is Greek." Dionysus said.

"Christopher and Lana Whimson. Chris is Greek, Lana is Roman." Hermes said.

All of the kids were a year old. The gods and goddesses put them in the center of the throne room. "We shall give each child our blessings, but only what is right for their age. Each child will get special skills from their parent. We will decide on the babysitting schedule tomorrow." The gods and goddesses pooled their blessings. It looked like a rainbow exploded over all of them. "Do not give them gifts until they turn five. We shall make their birthdays on the winter solstice each year." Everyone agreed, and went to the children's palace they had built.

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