Going to Camp part 1

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Athena's POV

I was busy in the throne room. I was in charge of planning the heirs' trip to Disney World. We thought we would surprise them. They have only been on Olympus, in Poseidon's palace, and in the Underworld, so we will teach them how to act around mortals. They have seen every Disney Movie ever made, and met Walt Disney's spirit in Elysium.

We're sending them to Camp this summer, on their request, and then going to Disney World and probably Universal Studios. Colin loves watching movies, so it will be a treat for him.

We will be getting VIP tickets, of course, and we will be aloud to skip to the beginning of every line. We're getting the kids iPods and laptops, so they can take pictures and videos. Apollo is going to help them price them all together at the end of the trip.

Percy's POV

WE'RE GOING TO CAMP!!! We get to go for the month of July. When we come back in August, the gods are taking us somewhere. They are refusing to tell us. It's so aggravating. Annabeth is bouncing around because she's so happy. They also gave us all monster proof iPods so we can text each other. I'm so excited. I hope we fit in.

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