The Other Demiwizards

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Hermione's POV

I followed Malcom to the forge.

"Just walk until you find a weapon that speaks to you, literally or figuratively, or a piece of random jewelry flies towards you."

I can hear snippets of conversations from arrows, and I can see silver, black, bronze, and gold weapons. A leather bracelet flies at my face. Without thinking about it, I grab it out of the air. I hand it to Malcom. He presses the owl charm, and it becomes a bow. It's a beautiful bow. It's light brown, it has little owls carved on it, and—

"Hey, it says my name!"

"Well, it's definitely yours. We'll get you some arrows and a quiver."

"Wait, I see something."

I run over to a shelf and see a dagger. It's made of silver, and has rubies embedded in the handle. It glows as soon as I touch it.

"Wow. Can I take the dagger instead?"

"You can have both. Many people have more than one weapon. They both chose you, so you have three weapons, the other being your wand."


"Now, how's about we go back outside and I'll give you the grand tour."

I follow him out, attaching my bracelet to my hand, and strapping my quiver to my back. He takes me past the gardens, archery range, arena, obstacle course, bouncy castle (which has multiple levels and is shaped like the main palace on Olympus), and everything else. We eventually make it to the dining pavilion where Chiron is blowing the conch horn.

"Everyone in Block Seven sits at the same table. Just tell your plate what you want. Some people still sacrifice things, but the new gods said we didn't have to. I sacrifice to Athena. Annabeth doesn't really care, so if you wanted to sacrifice something, you could sacrifice to Hecate, thanking her for your witchy powers."

I follow him to our table. I get to meet everyone there. Half of them brought books to read. I like these people.

"Hey, Councillor's meeting after dinner. Four more demiwizards are here." Reyna says as she walks by.

"Just follow me. We get a sweet ride to the island. You and Annabeth took a speedboat. We usually take one of the cruise ships!" Malcom whispered to me. I nod.

Dinner's over pretty quickly, so I follow Malcom through the portal. A luxury cruise is docked at the shore. My jaw drops. Malcom laughs at my reaction.

"We've got about twenty of these. This is the smallest one. They're used for parties and vacations."

We hop on. I explore the ship as we move. I exchange my pounds for drachmas and American dollars. Soon, we arrive. The gods are waiting for us in the glass meeting hall.

"Hey guys! These peeps are Draco, Luna, Neville, and Ginny." Leo says.

They gave them the same introduction they gave me. Luna is in Block Seven with me. We took them back to the mainland on the cruise ship. Colin showed Luna around our block, and took her to the secret room. Lana showed Draco the room, and Piper showed it to Ginny. I helped them find weapons. They had gotten technology from the city, so I showed them how to use it.

"I'm Hermione. Like you, I'm a demiwitch."

We ended up talking for the rest of the night.

Tonight was my first night in my new home. I love it here.

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