The Demiwizards

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Hey guys! I hope everyone is coping well with the pandemic. I'll be updating quite a bit, due to the fact that I am bored out of my mind. Please feel free to comment any ideas or criticism you have. On wth the story!

Hermione's POV

Hi! I'm Hermione Granger. I'm ten years old. I go to elementary school in Britain.

Today was an ordinary day. I'm just talking to my best friend Juniper. That's when I heard a roar.

"Hey Juniper, did you hear that?"


"The roar?"

"Oh schist. They've found you. We have to go."

A giant dog with red eyes came into the school grounds. All the other students started cooing.

"Aww. Look at the cute puppy!"

Somehow, I don't think they see what I see.

A boy materializes out of the shadows. Juniper pulls him over.

"Number Three, Seventh Avenue." She tells him my address.

I open my mouth, but Juniper shakes her head. She'd better have a good explanation.

They pulled me into the shadows. We arrived across the street from my house.

"Which bedroom is yours?" The boy asks.

I point to my window. We go back into the shadows, and reappear in my bedroom.

"Grab only the necessary items. Toiletries, books, no electronics. You can get new things when we arrive. I'm going to go talk to your dad." The boy said.

"Juniper! Who is he? How does he know that I only have a dad? Where are we going?" I ask while I pack.

"That was Nico. He's the Greek god of the Underworld. I'll explain everything later. We're taking you somewhere safe for people like you."

I finish packing as Nico comes back in.

"Okay, grab on. This will be shorter than last time. Just make sure you keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them." I do as he says. A blinding light appears. I can see it through my closed eyes.

"You can open your eyes now." We're standing in front of a lot of people.

"Is this the first one Neeks?" Someone asks.

"Yes. Annabeth, this is Hermione. Hermione, this is sort of your mother."

Okay, I'm very confused. They launch into an explanation. Apparently they became gods a few days ago, and they took over for the Olympians. Annabeth is my 'mother' because she blessed me. She says that I will be able to talk to her about anything, even if she's a goddess. She's the queen of Olympus. I'm a demigod, but I'm also a witch. I believe them. They speak with so much certainty that it's hard not to.

"Oh, and don't worry Hermione. Other demiwizard and demiwitches will be coming during the next couple of days."

"Do you know who they are?"

"Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Ginerva Weasley. Plus, some of the teachers at—don't start again— the school you're going to are like you." She glared pointedly at a few people who were trying not to laugh. "Sorry, my immature family laughs at literally everything." I laugh a bit at that, Annabeth does too.

"What do you want me to call you?"

"Whatever you feel comfortable calling me. I'm not picky."

I nodded. I think I'll just call her Annabeth.

"So, introductions. You know Nico and I. Your friend Juniper is a tree nymph. These idiots are Thalia, Percy, Pearl, Leo, Lana, Chris, Soleil, Clarisse, Lara, Don, Caster, and Piper. The calmer ones are Frank, Hazel, Jason, Zoë, Calypso, Colin, Katie, Will, Jasper, and Carmen. Reyna and Chiron are the leaders of camp. Then we have the head councillors. There's way to many to name, so I'll let you get acquainted at camp. I'll walk you through the city with Reyna and Chiron. Everyone else, get your giggles out here, and then contact Grover. We need to know who the next person is, and when they're coming." We exited the building, and I could hear laughter and chatter coming from inside.

"Sorry about them. Reyna and Chiron are the only ones who can keep a straight face around them."

"It's okay. So where am I staying?"

"Not in the city. You have a cabin at camp to yourself until further notice."

The city is amazing. There's so much to do. Reyna told me that the camp comes here every weekend.

Some people have been developing Olympian Technology, so Annabeth bought me a laptop, iPhone, iPad, iPod, computer, and an e-reader. She said that I can come back and get anything else I need later, as long I tell Chiron or Reyna. She also assured me that the city and camp are both safe and monster free.

We got to the portal, and stepped through. We appeared in the camp. It's beautiful. I was shown to block seven.

"Block Seven! You have a new addition!" Reyna called.

People poured out of the central building. Some came out of the second darkest cabin.

"This is your new cousin. She's going to be in Annabeth's Cabin." She turned to me. "You lot are all one big, book crazy family. The central building is a workspace and library. You are able to go into any cabin, but you sleep in Annabeth's Cabin. The head of this entire block, as well as the Athena Cabin is Malcom. If you have any questions about camp or your block, ask him. You can ask Chiron or myself about camp. Since your the only one in your cabin, your head councillor of it, therefore you can attend the meetings we have every Friday."

"So, do you want to see your cabin?" Annabeth asked.

I nodded. We went in. There're two floors. The bottom is full of bookshelves and desks. The top is where I sleep. There's a giant map of the world painted on one wall of the top floor. I have my own whiteboard near my bed. There's also a desk I can pull out from my bed. Downstairs has a SMART Board with a projector. There's a desk with a computer, and one wall is fully a white board. There's blueprints and sketchbooks in each desk, and one of the desks changed before my eyes! It now says Hermione Granger in swirly purple cursive. The desk is dark brown. It has quills, pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, protractors, everything I could need. In one Conner of the room, there's a fridge and a couple of cupboards.

"Those are full of snacks, energy drinks, and coffee. It's in your nature to stay up all night working on something."

"How did you know?"

"I do it all the time. Now, I have one more surprise. Follow me." She led me to a corner of the room. "The trap door will only open for you or I. If we're alone."

She led me down to another room. There are five wands, five sets of spell books, five of everything I would need at a magic school.


"This room is for you to practice your spells and potions for Hogwarts. It can be accessed by the other demiwizards in their cabins as well. This wand is for you." She handed me a plain light brown stick. I watched as vines grew up the wand, making cool patterns and designs.

I looked up and smiled at her. "Thank you. For everything."

"Your welcome. Now, Malcom is probably waiting for you. You'll be needing a weapon."

We left my new home. I think I'll like it here.

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