Secrets Are Not Made For Keeping

104 7 4

September 20th — Saturday Night
7:14 PM

Sixteen-year-old, Abiah sped around her messy room, trying to clean as her one-and-a-half-year-old, Ford, played in her boyfriend, Mateo's lap. "Can you help me? I have to leave soon to go with my mom to pick up Irie, and I know you aren't going to do this while I'm gone," Abiah groaned, tossing her sons toys in his box.

"Babe, relax, why are you so stressed? Was nap time not enough for you?" He chuckled, pulling the baby back to him. Abiah rolled her eyes and threw a stuffed animal at him while her mind replayed the incident in slow-mo over and over.

"Shut up. It would've been better had my mom not almost walked in," the teen growled, pulling her long blonde hair into a high ponytail. Mateo gave the animal to Ford and slipped from under him.

"Listen, B, I know you're tired," he said, moving behind his girlfriend and running his hands to her hips. "And I know you are stressed but try remember that seeing your sister is a happy occasion," the supportive boyfriend smiled. One thing Abiah couldn't deny about Mateo was his passion for family. Since he grew up in a broken home, and watched his dad walk in and out of his life, he became cautious when he started to date Abiah. He knew she was pregnant, which didn't scare him, but it definitely made him aware of the impact he could make if he didn't treat her right.

"I know, but it's been so long! I literally haven't seen her since Ford was a month old. She dipped on us, hasn't returned my calls or text in over a year, I don't know what to expect. Does she have a family? Are she and Reggie moving back? What?" Abiah asked, moving his hands and slumping into her couch as Ford crawled over to her.

"Ma!" He called shoving a wet, chewed on toy in to her leg.

"Yes, thank you, Fordy," she smiled, taking the animal and allowing her child to make his way into her lap. "I'm nervous. My room is a mess, which you know after having Ford, was not a thing. I have a massive headache. And on top of all that, I start a new pack of birth control in a week," Abiah rattled off. Mateo's eyebrows stitched together as he started to pick up some of Ford's diapers that the baby had pulled out, before nap time, to help straighten up.

"Are you sure you start a new pack next week?" He asked, knowing how the pill worked from being with her for a year and having an older sister. Abiah nodded, not putting a second thought about it, and placing her baby on the floor to finish cleaning.

"Babe, I'm not this person! You know me. While she wasn't here, I was great. I was fine. We were fine. The babies all got along, Jairus and I got closer. Mom and dad fought less. Everything without her...was easier," the teen mom vented. "Ford and Koryna don't even know her. This... it's going to be a disaster." Mateo shook his head, and continued to straighten up while keeping an eye on Ford. He couldn't deny that the girl he met the first time was much different than the girl he was dating. And while he didn't know how well they correlated, Irie not being around was a strong contender for a motivating force.

Upstairs, singer/songwriter Tori Kelly was doing everything but that. It seemed, lately that her music was taking a back burner as her husband's career in Youth Pastoral work started to take full flight. That left Tori to take on a bigger role as sole caretaker in the house. A role she was definitely trying to get used to. "Jai, did you finish your homework?" She asked as three-year-old Sampson and one year old Koryna, came up to her.

"Mommy, I eat pizza!" Sampson yelled, watching Tori open a frozen pizza box. The mom of five nodded, and handed her youngest two slices of cold pepperoni.

"Alright, go play," Tori shooed, so she could safely put the pizza in the hot oven. "Jairus! Homework!" She called once more as André came down the stairs.

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