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September 21th — Sunday Morning
12:07 AM

Abiah and Irie laid on the roof of the homey mansion, as they and watched an old episode of On My Block, with baby monitors on the table before them. "Did you have any friends down there?" Abiah asked, taking a bite of her grape licorice stick. After taking a sip of her water, Irie shook her head.

"Nope. When we moved down there, I spent most of my time working with his aunt or home. Between church and house work, there was no time for friends," Irie answered.

"What the hell? Were you living on a prairie?" Abiah cursed, concerned for more than just get sisters safety at this point.

"Girl, something like it. And it only got worse after Nomi was born. I probably only went outside once after coming home with Nomi. They were crazy. And his aunt was trying to parent Nomi. It was honestly too much," Irie recounted, before shoving the memory out of her head.

"Girl. That's wild. I would never, could never. That baby right there," she said pointing to her sleeping one-year-old on the monitor, "is my baby. You're not gonna parent him. You can leave suggestions, but that's it. I spent 32 hours in labor with him, I get the final say in how he's raised. The only other person parenting him is Mateo. And that's only because, Mateo has been here everyday since he was born. That's the only father he knows, and I'm praying the only father he will know," Abiah trailed off, though very passionate about her child. Irie looked at her sister in slight shock.

"Are you saying what I think you are?" Irie asked, trying to force her smile down. Abiah shrugged as her fingers started to fidget with the covers in her lap.

"I mean, I don't know. He's smart, driven, loves my child, and knows me. He pushes me to be a better version of me. And he's a Christian who is trying to help me stay on track with God. We mess up every now and then, you know getting caught up in the moment, but I'm clean and sober. It will be a year in a few weeks," Abiah replied. Irie could see how important this guy was to her sister and was actually happy for her, even though she was skeptical because of her history with Reggie.

"Just, be careful, babe. I don't want you to get hurt. But he seems really nice. I can't wait to meet him," Irie supportively smiled through her pain.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I'm going to switch out Ford's laundry so he can wear real clothes tomorrow," Abiah chuckled, getting up from her seat and leaving the warm rooftop. Irie watched her sister leave, then grabbed the baby monitor her mother lent her to see her daughter sleeping soundly in the middle of her bed.


Screams filled the basement as Irie tried to calm her tired baby girl. "Nomi, come on. Mommy is tired," Irie pleaded, bouncing the baby girl on her shoulder.

"Oh my gosh! Can you shut her up! Some of us have to work in the morning," Reggie yelled, coming out of the bathroom with his third beer in his hand after a night of drinking harder liquor.

"I'm trying! She's past her bed time and fighting sleep," Irie fought back. Reggie shoved past his wife, moving to grab a t-shirt. "Can you pass me her wipes. She may need another diaper," she asked, since he was standing right next to the baby's dresser. Out of no where, a packet of wipes shot passed the infants head, making her cry harder. "Are you serious? Reggie! You could have hit her!" Irie fought, placing the bay on the bed to change her.

"But I didn't, she's fine. Worry about shutting her up and not about what the fuck I'm doing," he slurred, pushing into Irie's already bruised side, causing her to wince.

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