Ford Alexander

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"Abiah, I still need the name of his father, so we can track him down," Olivia asked. Tori looked to the detective in shock.

"His name is Craig Jeeter. You think he did this? That makes sense," she said. Olivia looked at the mother weird.

"Why is that?" She asked ready to write.

"I saw this guy, following us the other day before we went away for the week and yesterday the same car drove past our house. Do you think it was him?" Tori asked, recalling the creeped out feeling she had.

"What kind of car was it?" Olivia asked.

"I'll do you one better. Our security camera caught it coming and going," Tori said, pulling out her phone with a color image of the blacked out car and it's license plates.

"This a great, Tori. I'll get this over to our guys to see if we can track down the driver," Olivia said, starting to get up. Tori glanced to Abiah seeing her face pale and sweaty with her hands over her abdomen.

"Biah, you okay?" Tori asked. "Are you going to be sick?" Abiah shot up from the seat and immediately threw up in the trash can by the door. "B!" Tori called standing up.

"Abiah, you've got to calm down. I know you're scared, but we are going to find your son. Let's get you some water," Olivia offered. Abiah shook her head and went to her backpack.

"Water makes it worse," she mumbled, grabbing a Gatorade from her bag and taking a sip of the orange flavored juice. Olivia watched Abiah take a few more sips as the color returned to her skin. "It comes with territory," Abiah muttered, closing her drink.

"What territory, sweetie?" Olivia gently asked. Tori hung her head, prepping for the look of shame on her as a parent.

"Of being pregnant," Abiah sheepishly replied. Olivia tried not to moved her face, to keep from coming off the wrong way. She could tell Tori was having a hard time with her daughter's condition. And Abiah was simply embarrassed.

"You two sit tight. I'll be right back," she said. Once the door was shut, Olivia immediately met Elliot by their desk with her back to the secluded rooms window. "Do not react when I tell you this. But Abiah just told me she is pregnant again," Olivia relayed.

"Hmm, so our perp catches wind that his star pupil is pregnant again and he can't handle her having someone else's baby too?" Elliot guessed.

"I'm going to have CSU run the plate, but I think so," Detective Benson replied, glancing back to Abiah with her head on her mother's shoulder in tears, and her mother comforting her as best she can.

3:31 PM

"Alright, CSU says that a one, Craig Jeeter does in fact own the car," Olivia announced.

"Go pick him up. But be discreet. After he got fired last year he's been known to get violent," Captain Beckett said, coming from her office with her sidekick Castle not too far behind. Olivia and Stabler headed out and Beckett headed in. "Where do you think you're going?" Kate asked, holding her hand to her partner/ husbands chest.

"Come on, Beckett! The rapist baby father comes back to steal his kid after all this time. Without contact or interest? It doesn't make sense," Castle pleaded. Beckett rolled her eyes, agreeing within and headed into the room.

"Who are you? Where's Olivia?" Abiah asked. Kate took a seat in front of Abiah, as Castle sat in front of Tori.

"I'm Captain Beckett and this is Castle. But, you can call me Kate. I am Olivia's boss," she answered. Abiah cocked an eyebrow.

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