What Really Happened

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Abiah laid on her bed, next to her sleeping baby, with her side lamp on and text book cracked. As an online student she went to school all year round, meaning, she didn't have a summer to enjoy. "Wait what?" Gia asked through the FaceTime. Holding her almost one year old, Kiah in her lap with PJ lying beside her on the couch.

"That asshole, left her. Married her, got her pregnant, and then left," Abiah groaned with an eye roll. "I honestly feel bad for her. She has a 4 month old baby girl, Nomi, and she has no idea what she's doing," she continued. Gia sighed, pecking her child's head.

"Did you say Nomi? Like the character?" Gia chuckled a bit, making the connection to an old show she watched as a preteen. Abiah shrugged.

"I don't know, I guess. Anyways, I may have made her feel bad for not trying to hit me up over the past year," Abiah mumbled, jotting down another answer.

"I'm sorry, what? B, we talked about this," Gia said.

"I know, I know, but my emotions got the best of me. I— just... the thought of all those ignored text and calls and seeing her here, it triggered my anger. All of those times, I needed her when mommy was busy. Or just missed my sister. And now she's back and needs us and I..." Abiah trailed off after trying make herself seem better.

"You what? Wanted her to feel the same pain you did?" Gia clarified. While shutting her book, Abiah nodded. "B, come on. You're better than this. That's what the old, immature Biah would do. But you've grown. You're a mom. Show her the responsible, mature, and caring side of you, that we all know and love. Just like you were hurting, she is," Gia reminded. Abiah nodded.

"You think she's still up?" Abiah asked. Gia shrugged. "Alright, I'm going to finish up this page and then talk to her. Oh and tomorrow, Brexton's coming over with Feather and Lavender for a play date with Fordy, before our outing. Did we settle on the beach or Talia's? Ford and Mateo messed up my phone so I lost most of my messages," Abiah asked. Gia nodded.

"Talia's place. She just finished decorating her new spot, and it will be Henry's first night," Gia answered.

"Okay, cool. Is this a baby night? My dad is going out of town with my cousin for the day after church, my mom is packing my sisters stuff for our girls trip next week, and Mateo's going to his grandparents for the weekend. So, no one can watch Fordy," she said, glancing to her wild child.

"Yeah, the only one who has a babysitter is Loren, and she's bringing Hayden, so for sure, it's a baby night," Gia replied.

"Aight, cool. Okay, I'm out. I'll text y'all later. Let me go talk to my sister," Abiah said, before throwing her name on her paper and closing her book. The friends hopped off the call, and Abiah looked to her child once more. Ford slept soundly beside his pillow, as Abiah slid out of the bed and replaced her body with another pillow.

Upstairs, Tori and André undressed their bed, while trying to work through the bomb Irie had dropped on them. "I always hated that guy!" André grumbled, among Tori's giggle.

"No, you didn't. And that's not the point. The point is that our daughter is back home. She has a child and is divorced. Dré, where did we go wrong?" Tori asked, pulling the sheets back, before watching Koryna climb into the bed.

"It started with the two piece. "Oh Dré doesn't she look so cute?"." He mimicked in a high voice. "No. She doesn't. That's why you," he said jumping on the bed and leaning over his last baby girl, "will never wear a bikini! No boyfriends, bikinis, or baby's! Nothing!" He said with the widest smile, making his daughter laugh.

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