Cabin In The Woods

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Tori laid on her side of the bed when the bedroom door softly creeped open to show her husband pop his head in. "Bro, what do you want? Eat your little pizza and leave me alone," Tori dismissed, pulling her phone out and scrolling through her messages. André came around the bed and gently took the phone from his wife. "André, stop!" Tori whined. The 6'9 retiree, slid the phone in his pocket and crawled on the bed to straddle Tori's legs.

"Baby, I just want some alone time with you. Is that so wrong?" André asked, pecking his wife's cheek. The singer turned away from him and folded her arms across her chest.

"Yes, because I want alone time away from you," Tori snapped. André pushed her straightened hair behind her ears and nipped at her neck.

"You've had that for weeks now. I miss you. And us and our bed," he mumbled.

"André, get off. I'm not in the mood," Tori refused, gently pushing him back. Unfazed, André moved closer, applying a bit more body pressure, pecking his wife's neck. "No! André! Stop!" With great force, Tori shoved André off of her and moved by the window. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but trying to guilt or pressure me into sex is not going to fix this," she declared. "Disgusting," she mumbled under her breath leaving the room to head for the quiet backyard.

At home, Caelan and Lexi sat with the littles and Jairus watching a movie in the living room, when Abiah came in through the front door with Ford on her hip and Mateo behind her. "Hey guys," Lexi greeted, while her counter part pulled out his phone to text André.

"Hey, I didn't know you guys were here. Where's mommy?" Abiah asked, setting her son on the floor and sitting at the kitchen table with Mateo.

"She and dad are on a trip," Lexi replied. Ford waddled over to his mom and Mateo, whining to get into the chair with Abiah.

"Up!" He screamed. Abiah glanced to her child and looked back to her phone. She was too tired from growing her second human to pick up her first one and passed the responsibilities off to Mateo. However, when he tried to pick up the upset baby, the screams only got worse.

"Fordy!" Abiah yelled over him out of frustration, snatching him from Mateo. The action caught Caelan and Lexi. "Dude, shut up," Abiah grumbled, getting up and taking him down the stairs.

"I got her. Check on him," Caelan said, hopping up from under Sampson and heading to the kids quarters. "Abiah," he called, coming into the room to see the teen mom plop her son into his crib and lie back on his bed.

"No, I don't want to talk! He's crying like he doesn't know Mateo and I'm frustrated. This pregnancy is already hard enough without him being overly attached! It's too hot and I'm irritated," Abiah dismissed, pulling the strings to her blinds in hopes that the dark would get Ford to go down easier.

"Abiah, it's too early to put him to bed. It's only almost 6," Caelan said, taking crying Ford from the bed. "Take a nap. I will take care of Ford. He's already crying so if he goes down, he does. If he eats, he does. But, that will be my concern," he said, leaving the bedroom. Abiah watched her cousin leave the room with her baby boy. He was reaching for her as tears rushed down his face, but she couldn't take him. He had to get used to being without her sometimes now that another child was on the way.


Tori sat at the dining room table with Irie in her lap, helping her with her homework, while Abiah slept next to them in her swing. "Mommy, can you do my hair like Nya's?" Irie asked, penciling her last answer for her homework. Tori tried to remember what the child from down the streets hair looked like. After a few moments she realized that Nya had box braids, a style Tori was very unfamiliar with.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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