Old Habits

45 4 1

3:48 PM

Abiah sat in her window of her bedroom, staring at the picture of the test in her phone, and smoking a blunt with Brexton standing in front of her. While Ford, Feather, and Lavender finished a nap, before their outing, Abiah took a deep hit. "How the hell did this almost happen?" Gia asked over the phone. Abiah shook her head and took another hit, as Brexton popped a squat in the grass.

"Remember when I got the flu. I think my throwing up too close to taking my pills, fucked up my meds. But, look, I know Talia's gonna be pissed, so let's not tell her. It's was negative, so there's nothing to tell and it's not gonna happen again," Abiah assured. She could hear Gia's disbelief through the phone, while Brexton rolled her eyes. "What?" Abiah asked.

"Brexton said the same thing and three months later she was pregnant again with Lavender," Gia replied. Brexton nodded, glancing up to her beat friend.

"I'm not going to get pregnant again. Mateo and I are not having sex again. My dad found out and he was pissed. My mom sort of knew already, but figured we were being safe, I guess. But, now Mateo isn't even allowed to be in the house, so," Abiah trailed off. Brexton sent her a shrug as she looked past her friend into the bedroom.

"How could you—You're mom is coming!" She said, seeing Tori distractedly walking down the hall towards Abiah's room. The sixteen year old quickly put out her blunt, sprayed herself down with a perfume sitting in the window, and dropped the drug right outside the window to finish later

"Bye, Gia. We'll see you at Talia's," Abiah quickly hung up as Tori came to the door and knocked on the wall.

"B, Daddy's leaving. Are you almost done packing? He's going to pack the SUV before he goes," Tori asked. Abiah nodded and slid back into her window with Brexton not too far behind, careful not to step on sleeping Lavender.

"Yeah, here," she said handing off a duffel bag and large backpack. An overwhelming waft of weed and roses hit Tori as she took the bags and threw it over her shoulder.

"Have you been smoking?" Tori asked. Brexton shook her head as Abiah nodded. "Abiah Mikaela!"

"I'm sorry, I was stressed. And it was just me. Brexton didn't do anything though," Abiah fully took responsibility. Tori shut her daughters door and dropped the bags at her feet. "It's was only one time. I won't do it again,"

"Do you want to go to rehab? Because, that was the deal. You slip up after having Ford and you're gone," Tori harshly reminded. Brexton shrank back and sat on the couch as Abiah unfolded her arms.

"No, mommy! It was one time! It won't happen again! My baby needs me," she fought. Tori shook her head with a glance to her grandson.

"What Ford needs is a sober and clean mother! If you can't be that for him, then maybe you need to go away until you can be. First sex and now this. I don't know what's gotten into you, but if you keep it up, we may have to rethink Ford's custody agreement," Tori warned, grabbing the bags and leaving out of the room. Abiah shut her bedroom door behind her mother and slid down to the floor. Brexton stared at her friend for a second, before her youngest flipped onto her stomach and sat up.

"What does your mom mean, custody agreement?" She asked, pulling Lavender into her lap for a feed. Tears started to stream down Abiah's face, as she rolled her eyes, and started to wipe her face.

"Bro, I don't have full custody of my son! When Ford was born, my parent's thought it was a good idea for my mom and I to share custody because of doctors appointments and stuff. Well that's what's they told me, but then they switched up once the papers were signed and said that if I'm not clean or sober they will take my child away from me. And I know it was my dad's idea, because my mom told me she didn't want to do any of that. And, I mean I don't blame her. It's my fucking dad! He ruins everything! And he pisses me off! And now, when they find out, they could take both of my kids!" Abiah vented, getting up from the floor to get her child's snack ready for when he gets up.

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