Part 1.

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It wasn't a dark and stormy night. Earth was calm again. Looking down from above made Y/N always satisfied. Although Y/N couldn't possibly foresee what was going to happen to her on this peaceful night. Y/N was watching over the quiet streets of London. Satisfied she spread her white wings. The earth was left to the Prinicipality Aziraphale and his rival the Demon Crowley. About six thousand years ago his name was still Crawly but he changed it. The name he uses now, Anthony J. Crowley fit him better he thought. Y/N would have to agree. Crowley did sound a lot better. 

Suddenly she heard an Angelic sound beside her. She looked at where the sound came from and saw there Gabriel the Archangel appeared. Your supervisor. Always when he visited you you felt afraid. A cold shiver slithers down your spine but you smile it away. You were supposed to watch over the earth but not everything went right and when it didn't you had to go down and safe the day. After all you were a higher ranked Angel than Aziraphale and thus were expected to do a lot of work he didn't do. The year now was nineteen forty eight and apparently Gabriel had caught wind about the second world war. 

'Ah Gabriel, good evening sir. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?' Gabriel smiled at you. His smile was scary, his purple eyes didn't smile. They were blank with a hint of annoyance. 'You know Y/N, of all the Angels to do their work improperly I really didn't expect you to be one of them.' 'Sir, I am sorry but I do not think I understand what you are talking about.' Gabriel sighed. Also fake. Couldn't he show proper emotions? Like the humans do? The humans smiled so brightly and their eyes showed every emotion. Y/N has grown so fond of the humans she was willing to give her life to protect them. 'Y/N the second world war. It could have been avoided. You could have avoided it by making the human Adolf Hitler change his mind. You could have made him think of all the life's he would destroy or to talk with him personally. Around seventy-five million humans were killed Y/N.' Y/N feels her throat closing up. It is getting harder to breathe. Ever since the day the man Adolf Hitler rose up Y/N had bad feelings from him. She tried EVERYTHING she could think of. It wasn't enough, the man rose up and destroyed so many lives. Y/N cried every single day it lasted and bares the guilt with her too. The humans were helpless and Y/N could have avoided it. If only the man wasn't so rotten to the core.. That was the day Y/N found out that some people can't do good. It was also the day she had grown to despise the Fallen. She hated them. How could they possibly do that to them? Putting so much evil inside of one person.. 

Gabriel took a step closer which caused you to be distracted from your thoughts. 'I have to inform you that the higher ups are very displeased with your work. They have to find something to punish you and I was left to do it.' Gabriel took another step closer which caused you to take two steps back not noticing that a few meters away from you there was the end of heaven. 'You know Y/N, you have been acting a bit Fallen lately and as an Angel you are to be the precise opposite. You are supposed to be light and perfect. We don't really see you like the Angel you should be Y/N.' Gabriel his words stung you. Not Fallen.. Never Fallen.. The words caught you off guard. Another few steps back. The edge was right behind you. 'Now Y/N we would like to ask you to try not to fall.' As Gabriel took another step closer. You leaned back and then the time seemed to slow down. You were falling. 'Gabriel NO!' Gabriel his cold piercing eyes and stoic smile were the last thing you saw before falling. You stretched your arm out to grab something to stop your descending downwards but the only thing around you was air. 

Tears streamed out of your eyes. First they were sapphire blue drifting up in the air. Nothing could help you now. You were falling and soon you were what you most despised. Fallen. You got closer and closer to hell. Your tears were becoming red and your wings were turning black. Your white clothes were disappearing. Soon after black cloth began wrapping around you covering your chest and the area around your hips. You fell and fell and then you noticed there wasn't a weight pressing you down anymore. Everything around you was dark. You had arrived in hell.

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