Part 6.

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Crowley and Aziraphale are sitting in a pub in the center of London. The name of the pub being Sherlock Holmes. As Aziraphale orders, Crowley just stares at Aziraphale and the waiter waiting for them to finish the conversation. Aziraphale orders his fish and chips and when the waiter walks away focuses his attention on Crowley. Both of them uncertain about where to start the conversation. Crowley decides to speak up first which makes Aziraphale look at him with mixed emotions. Crowley knows just as well as Aziraphale does that neither of them wants to start the conversations since they both know that it will be a long and difficult one. 'So, the black-winged lady that was in your shop. What happened? How did she arrive there?'  Aziraphale begins to explain how he met her a few days ago as he saw her in his bookstore. She had walked in not knowing that the bookstore was his hideout. When she did though Aziraphale heard and came to greet her then his eyes met the ones of Angel Y/N L/N.

When Crowley hears this name his mouth drops open. 'There must be something wrong here. Aziraphale you are telling me the lady in your bookshop was the Angel Y/N L/N?!' Crowley stammers the words struggling to comprehend the thought. Aziraphale speaks up. 'Apparently since of late the previous Angel. She has fallen and is now one of your kind. Also assigned on earth. 'That Angel must have a hard time with her new fate. Was that what got her so upset yesterday?' Aziraphale gets his food and starts eating. After the question, he just nods at Crowley. Crowley slumps back even further in his chair. 'I need to find her after lunch.' Aziraphale chews the bite he took and swallows it. 'Crowley dear, you need to be careful. You saw what happened yesterday. She is everything except stable and accepting of her new fate.' Crowley opens his mouth the respond but quickly changes his mind and close his mouth again. He nods and waits impatiently for the lunch to end.

Meanwhile in an apartment not too far away from the two men Y/N is starting to begin the day. She walks over to the sink and very sloppily throws some water in her face. She straightens up her clothes with a sharp snap of her fingers. When her clothing is decent again she walks over to the hallway after arriving she crouches down and grabs her heels. She puts her hand on the cold hallway wall to support her from falling. Then she slips her feet into her shoes one by one. After this, she goes over to the coat hanger and grabs her coat. She flings it off the coat rack and stands in front of the door. Hesitantly she drapes her coat over her figure and stands in front of the door. She grabs the handle and with a heavy heart, she opens the door and steps out.

With long sluggish strides, Y/N walks around central London. She doesn't know where she is going but her feet have a good clue she assumes. She follows them to a cafe which she has never seen before. As she stands next to the door opening a large build man steps out of the cafe. The smells of burned coffee beans and rusty metal waft past her and with a sniff right into her nostrils. The scent is in itself almost enticing and it seems to pull Y/N into the cafe. She sits down at a table and sees all kinds of good looking food. Beautifully decorated tarts and other fresh baked goodies. Soon enough a waiter comes up to Y/N. She orders a raspberry tart with a big cappuccino. As it comes she almost forgets about the terrible hangover she still has and the role that she has been assigned to. Although with the freshening up it did wash away the sulking feelings a bit. She enjoys her breakfast and when it's done she walks out before the waiter can notice when outside she snaps her fingers and goes ahead to the next destination. Where she will have a fateful encounter...


It's good to be back.

Looking down from above I'm intrigued by their love.

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