Part 8.

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Tigger warning! Suicide/selfharm refrences please be warned.

Hastur was angry. Y/N had upset him very badly and there was no escaping his anger. She glanced around before focussing Hastur again watching his movements to see if she could run. Maybe there would be an escape if she just kept talking a bit longer. "You didn't even give me a chance to settle. I only arrived here recently can't I just settle in for a week or something?" Hastur let out a loud cackle in an instant all the hairs stood up on the back of her neck. Gabriel his laugh was scary because it was plastic. All of it fabricated he played pretend all the time. That was what expected from him, but Hastur his laugh was frightening because it was pure, uncontrollable madness. An enormous feeling of dread weighs down on her. Her mouth tastes stale and she feels like she is going to be sick. Suddenly a voice, familiar but it's far away as Y/N feels like she has shrunk away into the chair. Could this be her chance of escape? '

The voice is cunning, a bit cocky and definitely unafraid. Or well so it sounds for now. "Hastur! Old friend! It's been a long time since you have come back to earth. How are things? Did you come up all the way here just to charm this pretty lady? Because I am sure this is not the way to handle things. But- she looks familiar." The gentleman ends his sentence there. The tall, red headed figure bends down and studies Y/N her face from the side. Unable to break her gaze from the still threatening Hastur which looks even more annoyed now she just furrows her brows. "Hastur the poor thing looks frightened, I am sure you didn't mean to do this but she isn't just any woman is she? She's the new one I had heard about indirectly. Couldn't downstairs have send a letter? I mean we are going to be colleagues after all. I could have trained her." Hastur realises that it is true what the redhaired man is saying. He could have just let Crowley handle things, his reports were always fine and there were rarely complaints or an insufficient amount of souls for their master. 

Hastur his prencense seems to fade away a little, like clouds in front of the sun on a bright and warm day. She knew she knew him from somewhere but she couldn't recognize him after all those years. This was the Demon Crowley. Y/N felt disgusted at the feeling of working together with such a vile thing. She would rather die. Literally, if only she could get some holy water she would finish the job herself. But she wasn't planning on speaking up now and even if she was planning to- she couldn't. It was like all movement of hers had been chained down by.. fear? How pathetic and low she had.. sunken. Hastur engaged more with the Demon Crowley who apparently knew exactly what he was doing. When Y/N could look around again she looked at the demon his direction. 

She saw him giving her a short nod, a confirmation but of what kind? Then she realised she could move her toes, fingers, head, arms just everything like regular. Hastur had stood up with Crowley talking with him. She noticed that Hastur hated Crowley and the feeling back was, understandably very mutual. Y/N gently stood up and straighted her coat. She found her balance and walked away not looking back for a single second. Neither had she felt tempted to do so. She knew it would only cause her misfortune and bring the demon in danger. She wouldn't have minded the second option that much though. She still couldn't stand their type. Manipulating, slaughtering, crawling, pathetic outcasts who didn't deserve to be walking on the same earth as the angels. But they did and, apparently they even turned their own kind into them. Y/N had always known the fallen exist but never had she thought of them much. They were unaccepted, unheard of even. Y/N quickly walked through Hyde Park and when she saw an exit she started to run. She knew the demons would find her eventually again if she kept on refusing work but not today. Little did she know that was only where her adventure had started.


Dear readers please do enjoy. Lot of things going on recently so I wrote it off. Thank you for reading.

-Retrograde Smith

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