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Who are you


Tyun? wassup???

Enough games

this is sick

whatever this is


Woah Tyun

calm down what's gotten into you?

You're a sick cunt

pretending to be the victim

Soobin took his life

why tf are you making some sort of fucked up roleplay game out of this you sick fucker


you found out

I cant believed people like you exist

you sick asshole

Tyun no

its not what you think

I AM Soobin

THAT Soobin

this sounds crazy but I REALLY AM SOOBIN

idk how or what happened

but when i died, Im just


now all I can do is text random people

they all shut me out

every single one

but not you

oh Tyun i was so lonely

i hated living when I feel so alone and so empty

it hurts so much that I cant live like that anymore

it hurts even more that even after death

i still feel so pathetically lonely

but then I met u

u filled every part of me that I couldn't

i wasnt lonely anymore

I know this sounds like bullshit

but you have to believe me

I have a brother that goes to your school

His name is Yeonjun

I swear im not joking or screwing around

this really is me!!

Taehyun stares at the screen, unsure what to think of. Somewhere inside of him, he does believe these words. Because it did make sense, Soobin texts him at any hour of the day and can hold long conversations anytime at all, he can't call Taehyun and has no social media despite knowing whatever going on. It did explain a lot.

Plus his instincts never failed him…..yet. And the sound of his heart is telling him, Soobin is telling the truth.

But now with this information, where does he go from here? Is he actually buying this? A ghost is texting him?




sorry 4 cursing at u

its fine!

I would too in your place

this is a lot to take in

u….killed youself?


jumped off that bridge

but it didn't get me anywhere

Loneliness and that hollow feeling

it hurts doesn't it?

Even after my heart stopped beating

it never went away

are u still hurting now?


not anymore

because now I have u tyunnie

I guess you are what I truly needed to make the pain go away

I'm really grateful for you


its nothing hyung

you make me stop hurting too

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