Chapter 2

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Noah's P.O.V

I looked down each side of the sidewalk again for like the hundredth time already today, trying to catch a glimpse of her walking by here but I was disappointed yet again. It was the next day, I was currently standing outside of the cafe to try and meet Ceila again at the same time we had met yesterday but she was still nowhere to be found. I sighed and gave up waiting there, thinking that maybe she had already gone to that house she took piano lessons from. Just as I pushed myself off of the wall to start walking towards the neighborhood someone walked out of the cafe at the same time, the sound of the bell hanging over the door chiming as the person bumped right into me.

"I'm sorry!" We both say at the same time.

The person's notebook and text book both tumbled out of their arms to the ground so I bent down to pick the items up for them. They ended up doing the same thing which made our heads knock into each other. When I finally looked up at the stranger I recognized those beautiful blue eyes behind the clear framed glasses.

"I'm I going to get a concussion every time we run into each other?" Celia asked as she massaged the sore spot on her head.

"I'm so sorry!" I panicked a bit, thinking of how stupid I was as I picked up her things that had fell.

The notebook's cover was decorated with a blue, white, and green pastel marble and the word history written across the top in sharpie. It was paired with the history text book that I also picked up.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I handed her things back to her.

She took back her belongings, our fingers taking a moment to brush over each other which sent my stomach doing flips and left my wolf howling at the small contact. My heart began to beat so fast to the point where I was surprised it didn't explode. Celia blushed lightly, fiddling with the corner of her notebook as her eyes darted in all different directions to avoid my gaze. She looked so cute wearing her big pink knit cardigan over her small frame matched with a white shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I blushed even more then I was currently.

"Hey Squish, did you see the-oh. Who is this?"

The bell above the cafe door rang out again when a girl with short brown hair walked out. She was holding to drinks with her arm and holding her phone with her separate hand. This girl wore an oversized mustard yellow sweater, black skinny jeans, and brown ankle boots. It would be obvious to anyone that she was wearing make-up due to her eyeliner and dark read lipstick applied every boldly to her slender face. To be honest, this girl's look added to her demeanor scared me a little because it felt like at any moment she would sock me in the face if I angered her. The girl paused when she saw me with Celia, giving a confused look to the both of us.

"Oh, Ally. This is...Noah?" Celia looked up at me questioningly, mostly asking me if she had gotten my name right.

I gave her a small nod and stuck my hands into my pockets.

Celia turned back to her friend, now named Ally, "We bumped into each other yesterday."

"Oh, I see." Ally smiled and examined me all over, "So this is the boy you were yapping on about."

"Ally!" Celia shouted and blushed profusely.

Ally giggled and tucked her phone away into her back pocket, holding her hand out to me, "Hi, I'm Ally. Celia's best friend and partner in crime."

I shook her hand, "Noah."

"I guess I'll leave you both too it. Here is your hot chocolate you coffee-hater." Ally handed Ceila one of the cups she was holding.

Celia took it from Alley and pointed her finger at her accusingly, "Excuse me but coffee stains teeth and tastes bitter anyway. And you were supposed to help me study for history, hence why I brought you here."

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