Chapter 23

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Celia's P.O.V

When I returned home from staying the pervious night at Conner's, Noah couldn't help but cling onto me from how much he missed me just from one night of being away. I let him hold me for a few minutes just to calm him down when I suddenly revived a text from Jasmine, asking if I could come to her room to talk. The first thing my thoughts raced to was something bad, was there something going on between her and Daniel? Was she hurt? I didn't know what to think.

So I pried myself away from Noah's arms, explaining to him that Jasmine needed me and went upstairs to her room. I knocked softly on the door and a shaky 'come in' was heard.

I stepped into the room and closed it behind me, seeing Jasmine sitting on her bed while looking a little disheveled and holding something white in her hands.

"Jasmine? Are you okay?"

She only stood up and wrapped her arms tightly around me, her body trembling slightly as she cried onto my shoulder.

The panic settled in me as I held onto her, realizing something definitely bad had happened, "Jasmine, what's wrong? Are you okay? Did Daniel do something to you?"

"What? No!" She pulled away from me and wiped some of her tears, "He didn't do anything bad."

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because look!" She let out another sob but was smiling through her tears as she handed me the three white objects in her hands.

I took all of them and looked them over. Each of them looked like thermometers you use if someone was sick but instead of a screen telling you the temperature there was a little dip in the plastic, two red lines colored through each and every one of them. My eyes widened as I noticed what these were.

"You mean you're..."

Jasmine nodded and sobbed happily again, "I'm pregnant!"

"What?! How is that...?! When...?! WHAT?!" I babbled random words, not finishing my thoughts as I didn't know what to think.

Jasmine laughed at me, her hands shaking more as she reached out to hug me again, "I know! I just found out this morning. You're the first person I've told so far."

"You mean you haven't told Daniel yet?"

"No, I need to tell him in a special way. That's why I asked if I could talk to you!"

"But" I placed my hand on her flat stomach and rubbed my thumb over it, "You have a little werewolf inside of you."

She giggled and placed her hand over mine, "They will come out human. Werewolves don't shift for the first time until they are twelve."

"But still! This is so exciting!!!" I hugged onto her tightly again.

"I know! Can you help me with an idea on how to tell everyone else?"

"Of course! I actually already have the perfect plan." I tapped my fingers together with a mischievous smile as my plan began forming in my head.

After learning the wonderful news that Jasmine was pregnant I had the perfect idea of how to announce it to our friends, whispering the process of it into Jasmine's ear. She loved the idea and we ran around to get a stack of papers, some tape, and markers.

When we got downstairs into the dining room together Noah asked the two of us what was going on to which I just replied back that we needed to tell everyone something important. Ally begged and pleaded me to tell her what the big secret was, using the 'but I am your best friend' card and tugging on my shirt but I kept my mouth shut. James joked that the secret was Jasmine was pregnant but we were able to play it off to make James think that was not it.

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