Chapter 11

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Celia's P.O.V

The next day when I woke up I had breakfast with the group so the morning was very upbeat and chatty which my sleepy brain had a hard time catching up with. After our meal though everyone had split up to do their own things. Jasmine and Daniel were going on a date together which Jasmine was a little upset about because she knew I would be left alone but I told the pair to go have fun. James and Cora were helping out some other pack members with fixing something so they left together. Then lastly Noah had some Alpha business he had to take care of so I couldn't spend time with him either. Noah kissed my forehead before he left and with that I was left alone.

So with nothing else to do I decided to spend this time being by myself to explore the house which I haven't had a chance to do yet. I only knew where the kitchen was, the living room, and how to get to my room. But there were a lot of untouched hallways and rooms in this maze of a home that I have not even seen yet so I set myself a goal to try to see as much as I could.

The house was so big that it took me a couple of hours just looking through everything I did find. There were different kitchens and dinning areas that I had found, different sets of offices all with unique furniture and designs which I would imagine one at least belonged to Noah's father. Most excitedly there was a huge room for gaming I ended up stumbling upon that was filled with a huge flat screen t.v and probably all of the game consoles that you could think of, even including the old ones. There were shelves stacked with video games, multiple computers with their own desks and gaming chairs. Even the decor in the room was from different games.

Also another exciting room on the list I found a small library in the bowls of this mansion. As soon as I walked in the scent of old books hit me which was so nice. The library wasn't huge but there had to have been at least a couple thousand books or so which I did end up sitting on the floor and read sections of a few of them. But amongst all of the cool and interesting rooms what made me really happy was when I found a music room. I was walking down the slightly darkened hallway when I passed a room that was just a crack open that spilled out a bright white light. Slowly I wrapped my hand around the door and pushed it open, seeing the big windows that let in the large amounts of light with cases of instruments set everywhere.

I stepped in looking around the bright room. There were cases of different kinds of instruments that were set off to the sides of the rooms, placed neatly on shelves are just against the plain walls. There was two large bookcases that covered two walls, meeting into a corner, that was all full of musical books sorted by instruments and then by how easy to advanced they were. Then there was a grand piano, sitting in front of the bookcases in the middle of the room and instead my musical side was turning like a clockwork machine. I totally wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to play it.

I stepped into the room, leaving the door open as I made my way to the large piano and running my hand gently over the side of it. The piano was made from a nicely polished dark wood and I even peeked inside of it to see all of the workings of this beautiful instrument. As I got to the front of it where the keys were I pressed down on a few, almost getting chills from how smoothly and incredible it sounded. From my knowledge of taking piano lessons, I knew easily that a piano like this must have cost a few thousand dollars.

So I sat down at it on the little bench, adjusting the height a little to fit me and playing just a few basic scales to test out how the piano truly sounded and how it feels. Once I had gotten somewhat used to this particular piano I started playing my favorite songs that I knew by heart. I sang to childish songs, moved on to more serious pieces, I even played a more modern song that I had learned for fun and just played to my hearts content. I was so lost in my own music that I didn't notice someone had walked into the room and was watching me until I had finished the song I was currently playing.

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