Chapter 4

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Celia's P.O.V

Waking up the next morning my eyes were greeted by the same room I had woken up in last night. I secretly hoped that this whole kidnapping thing was just a really vivid dream and that I would wake back up in my own room. But, no such luck.

So I just stood up, put my glasses on, and walked a bit around the room to try to figure out what to do next. The clock on the nightstand read that it was about seven in the morning which meant that everyone in the house would still most likely be asleep at this time. Maybe this was my chance to make my escape, to go back home, and put this terrifying experience behind me.

Since I was taken here from my house in my pajamas that meant I would have no shoes of mine here. So I took a look around the room and in the closet where I found an extra pair of shoes and some socks to wear. The shoes were a little too big for my feet so I just tightened down the laces to prevent the shoes from slipping off as easily. Once I was ready I opened the door to my room and hesitantly peeked out, taking the chance listen for a person. Not a single voice was heard so I quietly tiptoed my way down the hall as I passed by what seemed like and endless amount of rooms, down the large set of stairs, and to the back door once I found out where it was in this huge place. No living soul was in sight so I opened the back door and made a run for it to the woods. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to dive headfirst into a forest but I didn't want to risk staying in that house any longer.

The woods didn't seem too terribly dense so I figured if I kept walking I would get somewhere eventually. Once I got through the entrance of the trees I looked back to make sure no one was following me then turned around again to walk the dirt trail that was lightly outlined in the ground. I tried to see if there was anything I could use around me to tell where I was going but nothing, just normal nature all around me. Fallen leaves crunched under my feet as a nice, but slightly chilly, morning breeze blew by. Birds chirped high above me and the walk was actually relaxing, I just hoped I would find help soon.

It felt like I was walking on forever, listening to the peaceful sounds of the forest until growls in the distance were heard. I froze in place, not sure what to do or even what it was that made the sound. Slowly the growls and barks got louder, the closer they got the more I could hear the footsteps following behind. Finally I was able to find the strength to run in a different direction.

After about a minute of running, jumping over rocks, and pushing away low branches it was clear now that whatever was growling before was now chasing me. So I ran faster, causing one branch to cut across my cheek and a cut along my lower leg as I tried to jump over a fallen log.

Eventually I made it to a small clearing with a lake in the center that I thought I could hide in but before I got too excited I ended up tripping and scrapping my knee. Before I could stand back up or even react to the fall two wolves jumped out in front of me, snarling widely. One of the wolves was a light grey while the other was a charcoal black. What scared me even more about these wild animals was that when I looked at them straight in the eye, both of their eyes were colored a blood red.

I pushed my myself up and ended up landing backwards, trying to scoot away from these wolves. I stopped moving when they laughed at me tauntingly, the two of them slowly beginning to circle around me.

"Well well, lookie lookie what we have here." The charcoal colored wolf teased.

"Why yes! It's the little mate of the Alpha." The grey one replied in an also teasing way.

"What should we do with her?"

"I have a few ideas."

My eyes widened as I looked in between the two of them, "Y-y-your talking?"

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