Chapter 14

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Celia's P.O.V

Looking up at Noah in his arms I gave him one last peck on the lips before pulling away from him, waving goodbye to everyone because I was finally going back home. Even though Noah didn't want me too I missed it and since the rouge problems have been going down I figured it would be fine for me to go back. So I walked out of the house into the driveway, seeing Conner's truck sitting there as he and Ally were both already inside and waiting for me.

"I gave you shotgun Squish." Ally said from the back seat window.

I opened the door to the passenger side, hopping up since Conner owned a tall truck, and sat down on the worn leather seat. As soon as seatbelts were on Conner pulled out of the driveway of the nice mansion and we were on our way back home.

"I can't believe it Squish. I mean, werewolves?! Who would've thought they would actually exist?" Ally exclaimed from the back seat.

Conner usually drove one handed so his right hand rested over the center console. I reached for it and took it in mine, tracing over his soft skin like I always did if he drove me anywhere. Conner smiled but kept his eyes on the rode.

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it at first either." I say to Ally, "I locked myself in my room for a few days because I thought I was going crazy."

"Don't worry, I probably would have done the same thing."

Conner shifted his hand on the wheel to make a turn, pulling his other hand out of my grip momentarily.

"It seems like you and Noah are getting along though." Conner says as his hand came back so I could play with his fingers again.

I chewed on my lip for a second, "Well, I mean, I'm not exactly sure where we stand yet relationship wise but yeah...we get along."

Conner's jaw clenched but it went unnoticed as Ally giggled.

"I could see that from the way he looked at you. But what did he say you guys were? Mates?"

"Yeah. A mate is basically a soulmate. For werewolves it's like finding your other half. They can find out who their mate is because there is like a specific smell that leads you to who it is."

"And their mates can be werewolves or human?"

"Yep, like with me."

Ally squealed with excitement, "You guys are so cute together! Have you kissed him yet?"

"Can we not talk about this?" Conner asked, clearly annoyed with our conversation.

"Oh?" Ally leaned forward as much as her seatbelt would let her, "Is someone jealous?"

"I'm not-!" He cut himself off and took a deep breath, "I'm not jealous. I'm just worried. This guy who is basically your...boyfriend is a werewolf. Does that not bother you Celia?"

He gave me a quick glance before looking back at the road. I stared down at his hand and continued playing with his fingers.

"It does bother me a little bit but Noah has protected me through this whole thing. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me."

He glanced over at me again, lacing his fingers with mine and giving my hand a squeeze. He didn't respond to me though, making it obvious that he was dying to say something but kept it buried.

The next little while was filled with silence. Everything began to look familiar around us as we got back into town, driving by the small cafe where I first met Noah and that held lots of memories with Ally and Conner. We turned down the road into our neighborhood and got to Ally's corner house to drop her off.

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