Chapter 24

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Celia's P.O.V

About a week had gone by since my fight with Conner in the parking lot of the police department. I couldn't count how many times I looked down at my phone over that span of time, my thumb hovering over the keyboard to text something to him just to see if he was okay. But I never had the guts to do it in the fear that he would either ignore me or lash out again in a fit of rage again, I didn't think my heart could take that. So I just waited out the silent treatment and tortured myself with my thoughts in the process of what was possibly going through my best friend's mind that was worrying me to death.

Within that week Jasmine has started showing her first rounds of her pregnancy symptoms. She's been feeling more tired lately, getting sick more often, and being more sensitive to her surroundings. We've been trying to help Jasmine as much as we could which she was grateful for but poor Daniel has been running around freaking out about every little thing his mate does since he was all new to this. Also amongst the slight changes around the house I have also noticed Noah acting a bit more strangely then usual, even more strangely then he has been. Anytime Jasmine was in the room he would have to leave after a few minutes, covering his nose like he smelt something putrid and he began to grow irritable to the people around him. He would let no one touch me and was more adamant that we stayed together. This behavioral change in him was beginning to bother me, seeing this shift in his personality more and more as each day passed.

The next morning after the week had gone by I woke up in bed, Noah's arm draped over my waist as we cuddled under the thick blanket of the covers. I could feel his breath fan across the back of my neck and the murmur of voices came up the stairs from down in the kitchen. Noah was in too deep of a sleep to be bothered by the noises but I decided I wanted to get up, carefully wiggling out from under his arm and getting dressed before he could notice I was gone. When I got downstairs everyone was already sitting around the table in the dining room and chatting the morning away. Ally was sitting in James' lap while Jasmine was laying her head down on the table, Daniel next to her as he rubbed her back to sooth her. Richard was also there, chuckling at Jasmine's complaining and giving advice about the symptoms for her new pregnancy as well as telling stories of his own experiences.

"Celia." Richard greeted when he looked up at me as I came down the stairs, "Good morning."

"Good morning."

"Come here, come here." He walked over to me and gave me a big fatherly hug which immediately but a smile on my face, "I never get to see you often since Noah always hogs you."

I giggled and slowly pulled away, "Yeah, sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, it's not a big deal. But speaking of my son where is he?"

I glanced behind me up the stairs then looked back over at Richard, "Still sleeping. I just wanted to come down here before he got up. But now that I think about it I actually wanted to ask you guys something?"

"Is something wrong Squish?" Ally asks with the expression of concern.

"No. N-nothing really but I just wanted to know if you guys have noticed Noah acting different the past few days? He's been more irritable and more protective over me. He can't even stand in the same room with Jasmine for long periods of time. I was thinking maybe it was a werewolf thing going on...? But I don't know." I stepped my way over to the table, examining everyone's faces around me as I tried to think of any possible answers on my own.

Richard stared down at the ground with his eyebrows scrunched up in thought until his eyes widened with realization, dragging his hand down his scruffy cheek, "Oh no, I think it's starting."

"What is it? What's starting?" I asked.

"I think Noah is starting to go into heat since the mating process between you two hasn't been completed yet."

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