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Hey! You have made it to the end of the book! *clapping in the distance* But seriously, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story! This chapter is just random facts and information about the story, like a behind the scenes kind of deal. Read this if you like.

• Celia is the first main character I've made that has blonde hair. Out of all of the stories I write and main characters I've made for them, none of them had blonde hair. They always had brown or black hair.

• Celia is also the only character I have created out of all the stories I've written that has glasses so a shout out to the glasses-wearing people.

The Shy Alpha is not the first werewolf story that I have written. I still have a story I called The Ice Wolf which was an idea I had about a white wolf who had ice powers and trying to figure out where she had came from when she met her mate. I never even finished writing the first chapter and I wrote it a long time ago so I might try to rewrite it but most likely not.

• Another werewolf story I wrote but never finished was My Omega Mate which was supposed to be about a girl who was forced by her parents to be mates with an Alpha when she found her real mate who was an Omega. I have tried to rewrite this recently but it might be a while before I post it on my profile, if I ever do. I also had an idea that I could make this story a squeal to this book. Thoughts about that?

• This book is obviously not the first story I have written but it is the first official book that I have put a lot of time into, edited, and worked on for about a year. I'm so happy with how this came out!

• Noah is the first main male character I've created. I'm used to just writing in girl's perspectives more but adding in Noah's point-of-view in the story was a change for me.

• I actually considered killing Conner at the end of this story. I wanted to be that kind of jerky author who kills off a character just to get a reaction out of my readers but honestly, I've somewhat bonded with these characters I created and I would've been sad if Conner died. So I let him live and gave him a chance to redeem himself for his past mistakes and apologize to Celia for what he did.

• Originally this book only had 15 chapters and story had ended on what is now chapter 19. But after a few months of sitting on this book I decided to add in a twist of turning Conner into the bad guy and bringing hunters into the mix. I had split up the original 15 chapters into 19 because some of the chapters were too long and wrote the rest of the story which is now chapters 20 through 30.

• This is so far the longest story I have ever created. For some reason most of my stories I write are generally a lot shorter then I realize. But this book has a total of 30 chapters and a total of 125,787 words, not including the extra parts I added like the introduction or character descriptions. So this book can technically be considered a novel.

• The reason of how I came up with the idea of this story was that every time I read a werewolf book on Wattpad, generally the Alphas are always very strong, dominate, and confident. So I got to thinking, 'what if there was an Alpha that was sweet and shy?' That's when I came up with this book and started to add in problems with rouges and hunters, and Celia being kidnapped twice as I kept on writing.

• This is also the first story where I was determined to make realistic characters for this book. I gave each of them short background stories, different interests, and tried to make them each at a different point in their lives because of their experiences. Hopefully I did a good job.

• Celia's character is roughly based on myself and how I would react to certain situations.

• When I was writing for the characters Ally and Conner I realized I kind of ended up basing them on the friends I have in real life. It wasn't intentional at first and when I further I wrote the story the more I realized how similar they were to each other.

• I was going to enter this book in the Watty's 2020 event when I had originally wrote this book which is like a writing contest here on Wattpad. At first I wasn't going to submit anything but when I realized that this book was qualified to be entered I started going through it to make some final edits before submitting it but I had missed the deadline by JUST A FEW MINUTES. Although now I'm glad that I didn't submit this book because that's when I got the idea to turn Conner into the bad guy and write the last 11 chapters of this story.

MommaShifter , a writer here on Wattpad, was the main inspiration for this story. She writes amazing werewolf books and I highly recommend reading her stories. After I read some of her books it made me want to write my own werewolf book so bad but I never had a good enough story line until I created The Shy Alpha.

Thank you so much for reading my book! I appreciate all of the reads, comments, and votes I get and it gets me all excited when I know people are enjoying what I have created. Please go and check out my other stories on my profiles, I write a big verity of different stories and fan fictions so you might find something else you like. Thank you again and I love you all!

Also a special thanks to
@CenturyLostToMemory! I loved all of your comments, they made me laugh. Thank you as well for the feedback about what could be fixed in the story line, it's helpful to get a perspective from the outside.

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