Chapter 16

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Celia's P.O.V

The next morning was the same, I was only given a few minutes to get ready while Carter waited for me. I decided today on a pink and blue striped long sleeve collared shirt, tucked it into a pair of jeans, and the same white slip on shoes I had yesterday. I walked out at the same time he came into the room. He smiled at me once he saw my outfit and walked over.

He grasped my waist to pull me to him, "Why are you so cute?"

He gave me a kiss but I pulled away to shorten it. Carter noticed this and grabbed my jaw to place more kisses on my lips. I tried to push him away from his chest but he wouldn't move. Thankfully we were cut short by loud cheering and shouts outside.

He growled, letting go of me, "What the hell is that?"

I followed him downstairs, curious about what was going on my self. Many people from the pack had gathered in a circle nearby the cabin, yelling and screaming about something in the center. A wolf then had come out from behind the crowd line, a golden furred one watching and snapping at everyone that was around him.

"Stay here." Carter told me, going out to see what was going on.

After he shut the door I tip-toed over to it and cracked it open to eavesdrop on was was going on.

"We got ourselves a Timberwood patrol pup running around past his territory." A boy shouted as he mocked the wolf.

The wolf growled and snapped again, "I know you filthy rouges have our Luna. Where is she?!"

A girl giggled at his threats like it was a game, "She's not your Luna anymore."

"Enough!" Carter's voice boomed and made everyone quite.

He stepped into the center of the circle, crossing his arms and glaring down at the wolf. The wolf looked completely shocked at seeing Carter before sending the nastiest look to him.

"Alpha Carter." He said lowly, "I should've known."

"So, you're looking for Celia?" Carter asks, crossing his arms.

"Yes because she belongs in the Timberwood Pack, not to you rouges!"

"Sorry to disappoint you but she belongs to me now."

I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs that I did not belong to Carter but I bit my tongue. The wolf looked a little past Carter only to make eye contact with me. His eyes sparkled for a second before returning his attention to Carter.

"I'm surprised she hasn't RUN away yet."

He spoke smugly, raising his chin up high into the air as he put emphasis on a random word. It confused me at what he was attempting to do.

Carter smirked, "Well I would say she is a lot happier here."

"But don't you think she would try to ESCAPE if she had the chance?"

Then a lightbulb went off in my head. I see what he was trying to do! He was trying to tell me to take the chance now and run while everyone was distracted!

I quietly closed the door again and looked for anywhere else to exit the cabin. There was another door that lead to the front of the cabin and that's where I went out of. As soon as I stepped off the small wooden staircase I ran off into the woods as far as I could go. Sounds of shouting in the distance was heard but I continued on.

I wasn't sure where I was so I slowed down to see if anything looked familiar or could give me some sort of direction. Suddenly a wolf hopped out of nowhere from the side of me and I screamed.

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