Chapter 13

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Cayla's POV:

"Stupid bitch..." I mumbled to myself while looking at my bruises. Jada is the reason why I have a big ass knot on the side of my head along with a black eye. I understand I hurt her but I didn't think she would try to tell my "boyfriend" about my past. Especially since he doesn't like the LGBT community.

I gently placed some ice on my face and walked out of the bathroom. Quan rose up on the bed and frowned. "Baby, I'm so sorry..." he said and got up. He grabbed my arm then guided me to the bed so I could relax.

"Baby please talk to me." He lifted my head and tried to look into my eyes but I looked away. "Quan please just go away. My head is hurting me even more." I complained. He got up from the bed and touched my face before he left the room with Gabi.

Once I closed my eyes, my phone rang. I took it from the nightstand and once I saw the number I smiled.

"I'm guessing you're finally coming to your senses." I spoke into the phone.

"No. Why did you come to the restaurant threatening me last night?" Jada asked.

"You have some nerve asking me that question. You know what you did!"

"What did I ever do to you?" She asked. I looked at the phone and gasped. "You told Quan that I was really a lesbian!" I yelled. This girl must be losing her mind. She's so lucky I wasn't in front of her. She would of gotten slapped real quick.

"Wait what? I didn't tell Quan sh*t!"

"Yes you did Jada don't lie. I know I hurt you and wasted your time but damn! Couldn't you have a heart?"

"Cayla, you're chattin' right now. Why the hell would I tell Quan that you're a lesbian...wait I thought you were bisexual..."

I sat up in the bed and looked at the wall. "I'm all about the p*ssy. I just thought that I was bi when I was with Quan...but you didn't tell him anything?"

"No. Cayla as much as you hurt me, I wouldn't go telling your business to your girlfriend or ex or whoever. I wouldn't want any of my friends who I'm not friends with anymore telling my business..."

I raised a brow and scratched my head. This is strange.

"So why did I get a picture of you and Quan talking in front of Le Fleur?"


"Yeah....I thought you sent me that...ohh. So if you didn't tell him anything then..."

"Look. Quan came by the restaurant and asked to speak to me. It so happened that I was outside cleaning the tables and he came over asking me what time we closed and some other questions like if we deliver or I told him what I would tell anyone who asked those questions."

I felt so stupid. But then again I wasn't sure if I should trust Jada or not. She could be lying for all I know.

"How come you looked so upset?"

"Cayla if you're stalking me...."

"I'm not stalking you dummy. I just told you I got a picture of you and Quan talking and you looked upset."

"Cayla why would I be upset. Plus you're asking me why I looked upset like I could see the picture."

This is very strange. Jada didn't take that picture and she didn't send me the picture. So who the hell-

"Cayla why are you so upset that Quan knows you're into women? Aren't you with your real girlfriend?"

"Nae and I br- why do you care?"

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