two months earlier

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"Pete .. please I mean it just step away from me" He was narrowing in closer to me, I could see the loss of control in his eyes. I felt my stomach turn as I knew what was coming next.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING LEAVE ME, YOU HEAR ME" He shouts standing over me.

I couldn't reply even if I wanted to. He snapped again and grabbed me by the neck, pushing me back against the wall.

I tried to scramble out of his touch, kicking and thrashing around in response. But it was no use.

He wouldn't stop, he just kept pushing my neck further and further against the wall. Gripping tighly in order to reassure control over me. I couldn't breathe, and I started to panic.

I should be used to this by now. It's not like it's the first time.

He let go pushing backwards, and staring me down. I fell to the floor, gasping for air, and staring at him.

Why was I still here. Why was hiding this. The only person I'd let in was the person I'd left for him. That was the night it happened. He wasn't wrong.

flashback to a week prior

Pete was extremely drunk and had some party upstairs and had pushed me down the stairs, I had no where else to go and I didn't know who to call. I was practically HATED throughout LA for leaving Malcolm for his addiction, everyone was disgraced about my engagement. My friends were out of town and I needed someone. Someone the paps wouldn't track and someone I knew would come at any cost.

That's when I called him for the first time in months, crying over the phone, all I really got through was lots of 'sorry' and 'i really need you, I'm hurt'. He came straight to get me, making it in under ten minutes. He was panicking and a complete mess, and so was I. He took me back to his place before anyone came down and noticed, then he helped me clean up the blood and I didn't come home for three days.

I wish I listened to him and my heart, and never did come home.

end of flashback


This is leading into the story, I hope you like it. Please vote and let me know what you want to see!

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