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a/n: Hi! so this story is continuing with my friend goodnightngo16 writing too! she's an incredible writer and we're working together to make the book work. I'll state which part each is written by at the end of the chapter. And thank her for the fact this book is continuing!!


I woke up, lying in what I assumed was the same position I had fallen asleep in. The basement was filled with an eye-piercing light, streaming in from a window on the side of the sorrow room. Macs hoodie was still loosely holding my body, as if his arms where holding me softly. Waking up next to all his things felt like a moment of the past. Like maybe he would walk down the basement stairs, holding steaming cups of coffee in his hands. He’d greet me with a light kiss on my forehead, sitting down so that I could move into his lap, feeling more protected than ever. 

But only his memory remained in the cold, unsettling room. 

I stood up slowly, wondering how long I’d been asleep, feeling the guilt and many emotions I was so drained of, set back into my olive skin as I walked towards the stairs. As I slowly made my way up them, I heard muffled voices clattering what sounded like cleaning dishes around the kitchen. As I got further into the room, there stood Court and my mom, whispering to one another as they loaded up the dish washer. I looked further to see Lex and Frankie seated on the couches, whispering as well of course. My heart sunk, anxiety clouding over as I assumed what they were talking about was me. It may not have been, but that fact didn’t stop the panic from rising into my chest. 

“Honey your awake.” I turned around to dee mom smile softly at me, as everyone around turned their attention to my tired figure. 

“mmhm.” I mumbled, as she reached over to rub my back, gently guiding me into the kitchen while Court pulled out a seat for me. It was like I was 5 years old again. Everyone’s attention had circulated around me, watching my every move, making sure I was okay at all times. It was getting old very fast. 

“Want something to eat? Or drink?” I shook my head no. 

“Ariana you need food in your system.” Court sighed, my mom nodding in agreement but I just shook my head. 

“Ariana are we even going to talk about what happened yesterday?” Frankie asked loudly, walking with Alexa into the room as I rolled my eyes internally at his eavesdropping, instead, staring at him with a piercing tension full of anger. 

“No.” I replied blankly, beginning to stand up, wanting to leave this conversation so badly.

“Your brother’s right you need to talk about this at some point.” Mom said forcefully, while Frankie blocked my way out of the conversation. My eyes clouded over with tears at their actions. They didn’t understand. It hurt more than anything else had in my entire life, to even think about this baby. It was a pain I never knew was even possible. The amount of guilt, fear, and sadness that was being not held, but pressed on top of my shoulders was something I would never be able to describe to anyone who dared to ask. 

“Ariana?” Court asked, questioning my uncalled for silence. 

“No I’m sorry I’m not talking about this right now.” I let a tears fall, which was my first mistake as I brought my head up to face the people around me. 

“You can’t even begin to imagine everything going through my mind right now. Everything I am being forced to think about but it pains me to do so. I don’t need the on my plate right now so I’m sorry if I don’t want to talk about the post-humous baby that I am carrying that is the product of me and my best friend and soulmate who I will never b-be a-able to s-see again.” I broke. Hiccuping through the last few words as tears began to poor down my cheeks. They looked so saddened, as if they knew what I had just said was true but they were avoiding believing it for my own sake. They wanted me to think everything would be okay, when it wouldn’t. It wasn’t. It would never be. 

- part written by goodnightngo16

let us both know some ideas for chapters in the comments🤍

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