so it goes

646 21 20

I sat on the edge of the tub, Vic and Court either side of me. I bounced my knee up and down, waiting.
The test was turned over on the floor, and Court was gripping her phone watching the seconds drop in unison with my knee tapping.

When the time passed, Court reached over and placed her hand on my thigh to stop me, 'Do you want to check it, or should I' She whispered turning to me.

I took a heavy breath and slipped off the tub, crossing my legs next to the test, Court and Vic intently staring at me in the candle lit room.

Ok Ari, time to find out. I flipped it over.



You know when you get that dropping feeling inside your stomach. Where every emotion hits you and the world seems to fall with the motion. Your ears block out every tiny sound. Your mouth goes dry and eyes seem to blur everything in front of you. Take that. And make it a thousand times deeper. Almost unimaginable right?

I didn't move. It felt like ten years had passed. The feeling began to ease and then the thoughts came back hitting me like a wave, the continuing rhythm of this ongoing sequence of pain the universe was putting me through.

Vic and Court didn't have to say anything. They knew. They climbed over to me wrapping me in a tight hug. But I felt more alone than ever, a strange feeling. My whole life I thought the moment I would learn I was currently carrying my child I would feel more loved than I ever had before. But no.

The moment they reached me, that's when the emotions came back. I began to sob. Harder than I had all week. Again, something I didn't think was possible.

I didn't notice Lexi, Frankie and my Mom walk in the room. I was too caught up with everything, understandably.

'He's ..gone..' I mumbled through my tears into Vic's shoulder.
'he .. left me with . this' I cry.

'Shhhh' Court rubs my back. Not knowing what the fuck she could ever say or do to possibly comfort me.

I suddenly noticed the three shocked faces in the corner of the room.
Frankie standing holding the pregnancy test that had presumably shot across the room. He was staring at me as my mom and Lexi leant over him to see it.

I just wanted disappear. I only wanted Mac to hold me while I placed my face in his neck. I wanted him to tell me he loved me while kissing my forehead and subconsciously communicate that everything would be ok.
But, instead I had five people crowding me, treating me like a china doll. A posthumous baby inside me. A yet to be announced cancelled, highly publicized and anticipated wedding. And, no motivation to be here anymore.

Yay! I updated

Sorry if that's a bit dark🥺 I hope you like this story, I have no idea where it's going, I literally sit down and just type lmao. Again, I believe readers can create a complete different image to how I paint it so lemme know if you have a good direction. Stay safe💗

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