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Broken. I led on the bathroom floor. Just shaking. Alone.

I was exhausted. I finally ended the engagement, I couldn't take it anymore. Mac was gone. My world was broken and now it had gotten even worse.

I'd been throwing up for the past few days consistently. I thought it was all the grief and guilt I had built up inside me, but deep down I knew what it really was. And I had no idea what to do.

I slouched up off the hard floor, checking my phone. Messages from Victoria and Courtney telling me they were getting the next flight. My mom saying she was on her way.

I needed to know for sure. Am I really pregnant. How can I be? It couldn't make sense, but at the same time it made all my symptoms from the past week make sense.

I couldn't take the test by myself. I couldn't.. knowing it would be his and he wouldn't be here.. it was all too much.


I woke up to Vic and Courtney standing over me. I was on the sofa with blankets over me.

"Thank God, Ari you're awake" Vic sighed, as Court pulled me into a hug.

"How are you feeling? Court asked me.

"What happened?" I asked, still confused to where I was.

"We came straight here after we landed, found you passed out on the bathroom floor, with vomit down the toilet" Vic explained, "Why didn't you mention you felt sick, we could've brought you medicine".

Then I remembered what actually happened. And I started to tear up.

"Hey, hey Ari it's ok, we're here now okay, I know it's been so hard but you'll feel better soon ok?" Court reassured me, patting my arm as they both sat beside me. "Lex is on her way now too".

I looked at the wall in front of me. I had to tell someone. It was eating away at me inside.

"You won't hate me right?" I asked them in a small voice.

I felt them glance at each other over me.

"Ari?" They both asked.

"Why would we hate you?" Vic questioned.

"I'm so sorry" I started to fully cry. Falling into Court's lap.

"Hey it's ok" She shushed me, brushing my hair with her fingers. "You can tell us".

"I I.. tthink I might be pregnant" I sobbed.

"Shh we got you" she whispered letting me cry into her jumper.

"Hey it's ok," Vic reassured me, crouching down beside me, "have you told pete?".

I stopped crying for a second, "Pete's not the dad" I mumbled.

"What?" They both asked confused.

"Mac, he-" I trailed off into tears.

I felt them glance at each other again. Before Vic leaned over to hug me.

"It's okay baby, it's ok." She added. "We've got you now ok?"


I hope you like where this is going ! Should be fairly active because of the quarantine so comment some ideas for what i can include 🤍

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