everything takes me back to him

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The door slammed open, startling me. My phone was led in front of my blurred vision. Faint footsteps grew loud in the distance.

'Ari?' I could hear faintly, zoning in and out of consciousness.
I was completely out of it. I tuned into the questioning voice realising it sounded a lot like Malcolm. It grew louder and louder. Then, I could hear the fear and shock laced through his voice as he stopped before me.

As my senses settled further. Pain. I could feel the lingering pain on my body. Loud distant music and shouting far in my senses.

I could sense the darkness without looking, smell the smoke. A coldness chilled through my body.

'I need to get you out of here..' Malcolm whispered. Suddenly, I felt lifted. My emotions shifted, I felt safe. The arms holding me, I recognised. They weren't the same ones that left me here, tumbled at the bottom of the stairs.

Tears. I could feel warm droplets coating my cheeks. The arms holding my body shook slightly with fear. I buried myself further into those arms in an attempt to feel a little less disoriented.

'Shh.. I got you.. I'm not letting you go.. shit Ari.. how would you let someone treat you like that'.

Then, everything started to fade out, I could hear another voice. The atmosphere flipped from freezing to warm.

'She's waking!'

It was Court's voice.

My eyes opened stripping me back to cruel reality. Through blurred motions I could picture Court in front of me, she was holding something to my head.

'Court' I croaked, as she gripped ahold of me. 'I wanna go back.. NO.. Malcolm.' I shuffled around violently.

She loosened her grip. I could see my mom join the sustaining picture.

'no..' I whispered.

Everything was clear now. They sat in front of me concerned and at a distance.

My mom hugged me, 'Shh Bell, it was a dream you're okay.. you had a dizzy spell.

'Mom.. no' I stumbled into her arms 'I want Malcolm to hold me' I cried into her ear.

'I know baby, I know.'

written by macandari

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