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Previously on "Element-ary":
"Hello, Jax. I'm Dr. Bedore."
"You have Asperger's Syndrome, as well as Sensory Processing Disorder."
"How can we help?!"

"The best way you can help," the doctor said, "is just by being there for him. Don't disappear when he needs you. Just help him with the things he needs help with!" Skyler rolled his eyes. "That tells us LITERALLY NOTHING!" Maestro Higuel smiled slightly. "Children. No one will force you to help Jaxon. It's completely up to you. But I do want you to understand that autism can never go away. There is no cure." (Way to go, jerk. Just tell the already traumatized boy that he has some weird brain stuff that can NEVER be fixed. 👏👏👏 Give it up for the smart man in the room.) "You mean...I can't never get better?" "It's "can never", or "can't ever.'" Avani muttered. Everyone in the room, sans Jax and the adults, turned to her and simultaneously yelled, "NOT THE TIME!" She muttered an apology as Kalani set her hand on Jax's shoulder.
    "Don't worry, mio angelo, we will help you. Right, guys?" They nodded. Ember pulled his jacket off and wrapped it around the younger boy's thin frame, seeing as his shirt was dirty and torn. Jax tried to give it back, but the redhead pushed his hands away from the zipper. "No, leave it." 
    A nurse came in with a plain wooden stick. It had some sort of rubber coating on the bottom, and the top veered out into a V with a bar across the top. "Jax," Dr. Bedore said," this is a crutch. It will help you walk a bit better." Jax took the stick and stood up slowly, putting the top of the "crutch" underneath his arm. At the doctor's urging, he took a few practice steps. "I-It works!" Higuel smiled. "Good! Now, it's almost curfew, so Jax, you need to choose where to sleep tonight." He tilted his head. "Sir?" "We at the Byrie have decided that, given your...unusual circumstances, you shall take turns rooming with the other Seven. Or, should you choose not to, you can have a dorm here. So, where do you choose?"
       He gulped, looking at the faces of the rest. "U-Umm... may I stay w-with...M-Mister Ember?" The oldest boy beamed. "Of course!" Bidding the others goodbye, he led the white-haired boy to the portal. Yelling out his room number, he held on to Jax as they were sucked in. Almost immediately, they landed in his room. Ember flopped down on his bed and sighed. "Make yourself at home!" He stood up, walked into the bathroom, and shut the door.  "There's clothes for you in the wardrobe!" Jax blinked, wondering how any of Ember's clothes would fit him, but opened the wardrobe nevertheless.
      Inside, he was shocked to find clothes that looked just his size. He quickly changed into a pair of satin pajamas and carefully folded Ember's jacket up. He set his clothes in the basket marked "laundry" and walked away. When Ember came out, Jax was nowhere to be seen. Looking around, he finally saw the younger curled the closet? "Oi, kiddo, what are you doing in there?" Brushing hair out of his blue eye, he whispered, "Sleeping." Ember laughed. "Well don't sleep in there! Come over here, on the bed!"
    He stood up cautiously, walking over to the spare bed. Climbing clumsily onto the soft mattress, he squeaked in surprise as he sank deep into it. "Help, it's trying to eat me!" Ember was almost on the floor now, laughing hysterically. "It's ok, kid, it's supposed to do that!" Jax looked at the mattress warily and crawled over to the end of the bed, curling up on top of the blankets.
   Ember sighed, but was smiling as he went over and picked the younger boy up. Jax looked up at him curiously as the redhead laid him down, his head on the pillow. He pulled the soft blankets up and over the small body,and Jax giggled when Ember pulled them over his head. He tugged them down and smiled shyly. "I've never had a bed afore!"
    Ember blinked, heart sinking, but smiled. "Well, now you do! Go to sleep, kiddo. We've got a big day tomorrow!" Jax yawned and closed his eyes. "Ok, Ember." The redhead beamed as he lay down. Jax had finally called him Ember! Not mister! Not sir! EEEEEEEEE!

Aaaannnnd, end scene. So what did you think? There will be another chapter uploaded this week, as well as the next Character Profile, who, (as SilverBeams suggested) is EMBER! This chapter is dedicated to AshTrash669, who is forming a team of WATTPAD AVENGERS! AND THEY LET ME BE WANDA!!!! Now for some art.

 So what did you think? There will be another chapter uploaded this week, as well as the next Character Profile, who, (as SilverBeams suggested) is EMBER! This chapter is dedicated to AshTrash669, who is forming a team of WATTPAD AVENGERS! AND THE...

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Thanks to Olympus_Sun for the awesome fanart! Sorry the pictures are sideways... Anywho, QotC: Who should our little white-haired angel room with next? My answer:🤷‍♀️ Bye!

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