Chapter 1: Understand

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Something has been bothering you for a while now. Jungkook's girlfriend has been cheating on him, but he always seemed too in love with her to realize it. Jungkook and you have been friends as far back as you can remember. He treats you as a little sister, but you don't feel the type of love for him as he feels for you. You love him. Not as a friend, not as a brother, but him as a person. Today, you are going to tell him about his girlfriend. Today, you will tell him the truth. You know it will hurt him, since he loves her so much. She doesn't feel the same way as he does, she only wants his money.
You sit on the couch, waiting for Jungkook in your shared, two bedroom apartment. You are eager to tell him, but also a bit scared of his reaction.
      The door opens, and your hands start to shake from the fear that he might hate you after you tell him. "Hey Y/N, I'm home!" He said cheerfully. After he comes home, you both usually play video games, which is why is always so excited to come back home. "H-Hey Jungkook..." you start, "can w-we talk, please..?" You begin to tremble, as you stand before him. You can see the worry on his face. "Of course.." he says, "what's wrong?"
    You exhale lightly before you start. "It's about your girlfriend..Jungkook.. she's cheating on you." He's in shock, but then he looks almost.... angry..?
"What did you say." He said to you. It wasn't even a question, more like a command to repeat what you said in a much clearer tone. "She's cheating on you, Jungkook." You tell him, your voice laced with confidence.
He takes a few intimidating steps towards you. "Who?" He says firmly. At this point, you're shaking in fear, but he is too blinded by his love for her to realize. "Y-your.. girlfr-friend.." you clarify with an unsteady voice. He pins you to the wall, with both hands on each side of your head. "Is that so?" He asks in a sharp tone causing a tear to run down your face.
     He walks the other way, and turns his back to you. "You're too blind to see it!" You shout, with a sudden blot of confidence. "She loves me!" He shouts back. Another tear falls down your face, as you convince yourself to not give up on him and his well-being. "She doesn't, Jungkook! She doesn't love you! She only wants your money! Why would I tell you this if it wasn't true?!" You shout, disappointed in Jungkook. You would think for him to trust you, since you both have known each other longer than he has known his girlfriend.
    "Gosh, Y/N! You're always ruining my life! Why are you you such a burden?! I wish you just-....- disappeared!!" He shouted. You were the type of person to do things for others. If Jungkook wanted you to disappear, then that is what you'll do. You'll leave.
    Tears soaked your face, as you stared at him in shock. Your developed friendship meant nothing..?
    "Okay..." you managed to say. "I-I'll leave.." Jungkook looked at you, shocked that you said such a thing. "W-wait.. Y/N..please..d-don't go.." Jungkook said, his eyes getting teary.
    You ignored his words, and went to your room to bags, locking the door behind you. You heard Jungkook crying on the other side of the door, but ignored it and kept reminding yourself "he wants this".


Thank you for reading!
Next chapter will come out in 2 DAYS!
Please comment on the chapters! There will be choices on the next one. You will be able to choose what direction the story goes in.

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