Chapter 8: She's Back~

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     He opened the door to her old room. It still had some of her stuff in it, since she couldn't fit everything in her suitcase and only took the necessities. Jungkook slowly stepped into her room, and looked around. He opened her closet to find that she only left a few articles of clothing, only the stuff he bought her.
     He quickly shut the closet's sliding door, since it hurt too much that she didn't want anything that had to do with him. As he turned around, something glimmering on Y/N's nightstand caught his attention. When he saw it, he immediately burst in tears.


Yes, I'm still alive. Thank you. The storyline will be connected with "YOU || PJM FF". So if you want more background info on the new characters, you should go read that book too. For this story, we will give the other "Y/N" a new name. Let's call her Park Soomin. This "Y/N" is "Lee Hyunsook" in the other book. Try not to get confused, I know I am.
Thank you.

*Jungkook POV*
"Jungkook~" The same annoying voice called my name. "What do you want?" Min-jeong was the love of my life, no matter how cheesy that sounds, but it all broke down when I found out she was cheating on me with her other boyfriend, that also didn't know about her cheating. I feel bad for the other guy. His name is Park Jimin, I think. From what I heard they were going for get married, but he found out about me, and I found out about him. I heard he is married now with Kim Soomin, sorry, Park Soomin. She was in my senior class in high school. She is a very nice and polite girl, so he is very lucky.
"Oh, come on. You can't keep blaming me for that little brat running away." She said with a hint of jealousy laced in her tone. "Don't call her a brat!" I snapped back. "She is so much more than you! You are just a petty manipulator that need people to do stuff for you! You have no feelings! So screw off!" And with that, I slammed the door.

*With Y/N and Taehyung - The Next Morning (Taehyung POV)*
I made breakfast for Y/N and I, and plated the food, carefully placing it on the table. After the table was set, I made my way upstairs to wake Y/N up.
I carefully twisted the handle to her room, pushing the door a bit so I could get in. She was still in her sleep, and looked so peaceful. I realized I was staring, so I quickly shook it off and walked up to her. Our quiet breaths were the only sounds filling the quiet room. I sat on the floor, my head resting on the edge of the bed.
       "Wake up.." I whispered, trying to wake her up quickly, but gently. After all, I can't let the food get cold. Who would let should a thing happen? She slowly opened her eyes. "Go away." She said sternly, and turned the other way.

This was going to be a long day.

To Be Continued...

Credits for the new cover go to aishthetic_bun_bun

Thank you Kimivyy for supporting me from the beginning!!
Thank you to all the beauty people who are reading this! I love you all so much!

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