Chapter 2: Hard to Leave Without a "Goodbye"

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   "Okay..." you managed to say. "I-I'll leave.." Jungkook looked at you, shocked that you said such a thing. "W-wait.. Y/N..please..d-don't go.." Jungkook said, his eyes getting teary.
    You ignored his words, and went to your room to bags, locking the door behind you. You heard Jungkook crying on the other side of the door, but ignored it and kept reminding yourself

"he wants this".


You look around you, seeing the cars passing pass by. You wait for the taxi driver to reset the GPS, before telling him your destination. "So, where are you headed?" The driver asked. "The airport." You responded bluntly, not wanting any conversation.
    The drive to the airport was uneventful; you were listening to music most of the way, and the driver was focused on driving. Once you reached, you took your suitcase out of the back of car and went on your way. You entered the large building, and walked towards where people are buying tickets. You purchased a ticket for a flight to Hong Kong International Airport. "Flight to Hong Kong, China is boarding in 2 hours at gate G7" the speakers announced.

*8 hours later*

    You laid on the hotel bed, wondering what to do now. You had just left everything behind in Seoul, and went to Hong Kong. The comfort of the bed calmed you, but you knew you needed to get your facts straight. thought to yourself. What do I have?
-clothes that will last for 1 week (I need more, cause I KNOW that I won't wash them every week)
-I have only 25,000,000 (I need a job if I want to live)
- I need to figure out if I want to stay in Hong Kong or travel (I did always want to go to Tokyo)

   You have come to the conclusion that you're life is a mess, and you need a job (because you value your live). All you want to do is sleep, but since you haven't said "goodbye" to Jungkook, because he was sleeping with dried tears his face when you left, he was the only thing on your mind. Guilt is the only thing you felt.

*with Jungkook*

    Jungkook woke up, thinking it was all a bad dream. He looked around the apartment, but when he couldn't find you, tears filled his eyes. He immediately regretted not believing you, and everything he said.


Thank you for reading to the end! I hope you are enjoying this book!
Please comment on whether you would do in the situation so I know what to put next in the story.
Would you:
-stay in Hong Kong
-stay for a little bit then go back to Seoul
-go to a different country
If you chose go a different country please comment what country!! This is going to help for the next chapter!

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