Chapter 10: "Pretend I Don't Exist"

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    Picking myself up from the couch now was not as hard as it was when Y/N left. The hope I had that she came back gave me the energy to walk over to her bedroom. I carefully open the door to find the girl I had missed sleeping on the same bed I had cried in.
She was really here.. She really came back.. But does she still think of me as friend...?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

*7 Hours Later - Jungkook POV*
     I carefully place the food on the table. I have prepared all of Y/N's favorite foods in hope that she will warm up to me over food. I go to wash my face and take a shower, since I look terrible from all the crying that has happened.

*After The Shower*
    The sound of a door opening is enough for me to stand up from the seat at the table. Y/N had a tired expression as she usually did when she woke up.
    I was used to it, but for some reason I smiled when I saw her face this time. What's wrong with me? She is my best friend! Nothing more!
    "Did you sleep well?" I asked her. She was shocked and looked at me with wide eyes. "I- umm... J-just pretend I d-don't exi-exist.." she said and ran to the bathroom. What wrong? If she didn't want to talk to me, why did she come back? I sat back down and sighed I'm defeat. I felt as if there wasn't anything I could do, until ran idea came to mind.
    There is something I can do, and that's everything. I can get her back, but I will need to put my heart and soul into it. I need to show her I care.

*Taehyung POV*
    I walked back and forth, worried about Y/N. We had been friends in high school, and she was like a younger sister to me. Of course I'm worried for her. If Jungkook does tries to pull one his shenanigans on her, he'll have to face me! No one hurts Y/N!
    What if Y/N doesn't call me if something happens? Who will protect her? There was nothing I could do right now, unless she called, so I sat on the couch and decided to watch a movie.

     I ran to bathroom, and closed the door behind me. I heard Jungkook fall back in his chair. Honestly, I wanted to talk to him and fix the problem, but I was scared. When I see him, my heart starts pounding. I have always loved him, but since the incident I've doubted that a relationship is possible.
Because of my love for him, I want to respect his wishes and leave him alone.

*Min-jeong POV*
     "Poor Jungkook... so heartbroken~" I said sarcastically to my brother, Beomsoo. "He deserves it. He hurt Y/N, it just what happens when you hurt her." He said back. "Calm down, Soo. I need him to get to Jimin, so do your magic and make her fall in love with you. Then he'll come to me for help, and in exchange I can get information to get close to Jimin." I explained to my brother. "That's a good plan, Jeong. We'll begin tomorrow~" He replied, with a grin.

*10:34 AM The Next Day - Y/N POV*
    I locked the door and left on my way to go for a walk at the park. It was a nice day to go out and a good chance to get away from Jungkook.
   After a while of walking at the park, a dog came up to me. I bent down to pet it, and couldn't help but notice it's collar and leash. "What's your name?" I said in a sweet voice to the fluffy white dog. The tag on the collar had the name 'Haru' imprinted on it. "So your name is Haru~ so, Haru, where did you come from? Do you have an owner, huh?" I said.
    "Haru!" I heard a male voice shouting the dog's name. He ran up to me. "Thank you so much for finding him. Should I buy you coffee?" He told me, now bent down petting Haru along with me. "Sure. Why not?" I replied with a smile, and he smiled back.

"By the way, my name is Beomsoo."

To Be Continued....

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