Chapter 13:

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   A loud knock at the door woke the sleeping boy up. Jungkook looked at Y/N sleeping peacefully beside him. He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and got up to see who was at the door. He turned the knob quietly, scared a loud noise would wake up his sleeping girlfriend.
   "Oh, Mr.Park! What brings you here?" Jungkook said politely to his best friend's father. "Good morning, Jungkook. I came to ask you for a favor." The middle-aged man told the young boy. "As you know, Jimin is married. And I need him to marry someone else for the company. Can you hell me convince him to divorce Soomin, his current wife." Jungkook was shocked at what he was just asked to do. He always thought Mr.Park wanted the best for his son, not to make his son marry for the sake of good money. "I- I don't know what to say..." The young boy told Mr.Park honestly. "I'll give you any amount of money you want. Just please help me." Jimin's father took one more shot at convincing Jungkook, then left. The boy went back into his house, thinking about the offer. He did need the money. But Jimin was his friend, he couldn't do such a thing. He decided to talk to Y/N about it.
   Carefully walking back into his bedroom, he went to his girlfriend. He loved that. His heart sped up every time he called her his. "Why are you staring at me, Koo?" She said to Jungkook who was looking straight at her. "You're awake?" He asked, a bit embarrassed he had gotten caught. She nodded, sitting up on the bed. "What's wrong, Koo?" She asked, to which he explained the whole ordeal with Mr.Park.
    Y/N was left with her jaw dropped when Jungkook finished. "Who could- why did he- Why...?" She stuttered, not sure where to start, "You declined his offer, right?"
   "I... I said that I'd think about it..." he said, slightly ashamed at his actions. Y/N stood up, "What the actual hell, Jungkook?!"
    "Y/N, I'm running short on money! I really don't want to do this!" He shouted back.
    "Okay.. Yelling won't solve anything.." she sighed, "we have to figure something out.."
Jungkook didn't know where to start. Last night, their lives seemed somewhat put together. Now, everything is falling apart again. "First of all, we need to get jobs. We can start paying off more necessary bills, then we can move on to pay off everything." She reasoned. "Yeah.. That sounds good.." Jungkook replied. Y/N sat back down on the bed, and held his hands. "Don't ever think of accepting an offer like that. Jimin's your best friend... You can't do something like that to him." He nodded, planning on calling Jimin's father to decline the offer.
    By the end of the day, Mr.Park was enraged that he couldn't get the Jeon boy to help him. Y/N and Jungkook planned the financial aspect of their life. Everything was put together again.

The End

Thank you to everyone who supported and read this book. I was planning on making it longer, but I have many projects planned. I'm excited to finish off 'YOU' and begin the next book. I'll be posting consent updates and hints of the next book conversations page. I hope you all enjoyed!

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