Chapter 7: Not The Same Person Anymore

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"Yeah.. it's okay.." she said. Before I could completely process her words, her arms were wrapped around me. She tightened her embrace, and I hugged her back.
    "Thank you.." she said, but her voice was a bit muffled since her head was on my chest. I rested my chin on the top of her head, and smiled at her words.
              "Your welcome.."


*With Jungkook*
     After Y/N left, Jungkook found out that his girlfriend indeed was cheating, and that Y/N was right. He felt guilty. Guilty for not believing her. Guilty for not finding out about his cheating girlfriend sooner. He felt as if it was all his fault, and now he lost it all.
    His love with his ex was fake, but it was something, and something was better than nothing to him. He was desperate, desperate to not be alone.
  He went out and had one-night stands almost every night. He was a playboy now. His pain changed him, and not in a good way...

He is not the same person anymore..

*With Y/N and Taehyung - Taehyung POV*
       Y/N was fast asleep in the taxi; the taxi on its way to my house. We had agreed that she would stay at my house just for the night, since she had no place to go.
     We had got there quickly, so I shook her a bit to wake her up. "Hey, Y/N. Wake up. We're here." she woke up quickly at my words. "Oh.. ok.." she managed to get out before a yawn came in the way. "Sorry. I'm just really tired.."
    I smiled before replying. "It's okay. I understand. It was a long drive." She sleepily smiled at my comment.

*With Jungkook*
     Y/N was feeling much better, but Jungkook just kept feeling worst. Just as he thought he couldn't possibly feel more guilty, his overwhelming feelings proved him very wrong. It wasn't the same without her.
     He opened the door to her old room. It still had some of her stuff in it, since she couldn't fit everything in her suitcase and only took the necessities. Jungkook slowly stepped into her room, and looked around. He opened her closet to find that she only left a few articles of clothing, only the stuff he bought her.
     He quickly shut the closet's sliding door, since it hurt too much that she didn't want anything that had to do with him. As he turned around, something glimmering on Y/N's nightstand caught his attention. When he saw it, he immediately burst in tears.


If you are still reading this mess, thank you so much! It means a lot to me. If anyone is good at editing covers, please contact me, because I need a new cover for this book. It has my old username on it, so I thought that I should change it.
- BlkSwanTAE

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