Chapter 5: Their Past

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*Taehyung POV*
      Hearing his name again shocked me. I hadn't seen him since middle school. At the time he was bullying some girl; I don't really remember her name, but I do remember that I felt bad for her.
     "What wrong,Taehyung?" Y/N asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I..." I began.

       "I know him....."

He knew him. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. "It's a long story.." he bagan, "are you sure you want to hear it?" I nodded my head immediately.
*Flashback/ Taehyung POV*
"Jungkook!" I chased after him. "What?!" He shouted at me annoyed. "You have to stop.. Jungkook.... please.." I begged. He scoffed and turned around to keep walking. I grabbed his arm, and pulled him back. "You really need to stop bullying the poor girl!" I shouted. I was done with him being so rude to her.
"It's fun though! It makes me feel strong! You know I don't get that at home!" He shouted back at me. His parents always make him feel useless, well that's what he told me.
"I know, Kook. I know.. but what your parents make you feel, that's how she feels.." I told him. "You only see when she tries to stand up to you. You don't see what I see after you leave." He looked confused, but guilt painted his face as well. "What happens when I leave..?" He asked. "She cries.. she breaks down, runs away, and cries.. she is so hurt by you, that she just wants to give up. Why do you think she wears long sleeve al the time?!" I began shouting. "She does it to cover her hurt her so much, Kook..." He looked so guilty, he also looked like he felt bad.
"Where is she..?" He asked. "What do you mean..?" He looked annoyed at my question. "Where is she?!" He shouted again. "She's sitting in the courtyard, drawing the flowers.." I responded, and he left. He ran.
He ran to go to her.
He ran to apologize.
He ran because he knew how it felt. How it felt to be hurt...
*End of Flashback/ Taehyung POV*
"I don't know what happened after that, because I moved and I didn't see him again. But I do hope that girl is okay now." I looked down at Y/N. Tears filled her eyes, threatening to fall. "I do..." she said with a shaky voice. I was confused. "What do you mean?" She looked up at me, her eyes shining from the tears that flooded them. "I know what happened.... after that.." she said.

She was the girl...

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