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Moon Byul Yi

I looked at the clock for the fifth time today. I can't wait to see him. My members seems to notice it since they keep giggling.

"Byul ah, you are very excited to see him that you have a hard time to sleep right?" Yongsun asked her.

I just shyly nodded my head before looking at the clock again.

"Don't worry Byulyi unnie, he will come today." Hyejin said when she noticed that I looked at the clock again.

"Yeah, unnie let's practice our dance while waiting for him." Wheein said so I would stop looking at the clock.

I pout at them while slowly when into my position.

"Don't worry Byul ah, because when we practice,all of your attention will be on me." Yongsun said cheekily.

"Yeah unnie, you wouldn't notice how the time fly so fast. You wouldn't even notice that he was watching you like yesterday." Hyejin said while smiling.

"Unnie, Byulyi unnie will have her attention on you because you keep making mistakes that she have to scold you." Wheein said while snickering at Yongsun.
We keep practicing all day. The dance was hard to memorize. While practicing, I forget that someone was suppose to come today.

When I look at the clock after we finished for the day, it was almost 3.45 pm. I look around our practice room and notice that Changkyun is nowhere to be seen.

It seems like our manager know what I was looking for. She approach us and apologize for not informing us about Changkyun earlier.

She said because we were too focused on our practice that she doesn't have the heart to disturb us in that moment.

Changkyun actually couldn't come today because he have to practice for his upcoming concert.

When I heard that, I instantly feel down because Changkyun actually promise me that he will come today.

I am actually feeling grateful that our manager tell us this when we finished our practice if she tell us when we were practicing I wouldn't have the mood to practice anymore.

"He promise me that he will come today." I said sadly.

"I have been waiting for him since morning." I sulk in front of my members.

"Actually he never promise you that he will come today." Hyejin said suddenly that made me look at her.

Hyejin look like she was trying to remember what did Changkyun do when I asked him to come today.

"From what I remember, he just smile slightly when you asked him yesterday." Hyejin said again.

"Sorry Byulyi unnie, Changkyun never promise you that he will come today." Wheein said softly as if she was the one who made mistake.

"It's because you look so happy yesterday." Wheein look down knowing the mistake that she made.

I went silent for awhile which make them nervous. I was just trying to remember the scene that I made yesterday.

Now I remember why I couldn't remember that Changkyun smile slightly to me as a reply, it's because I was too busy blushing that I instantly assume that his silence mean yes that he will come today.

I chuckle nervously and blush harder when I know that I misinterpreted his reply.

My members who are nervous because of my silence just laugh at my reaction.

"Aww you look so cute while blushing unnie." Wheein hug me when I keep hiding my face with my hands.
What am I going to do. I think Moonbyul will avoid me tomorrow because I didn't come today.

I get the feeling that she will get sulky with me. I smile at the thought. I actually want to know how the cold Moonbyul Yi behave in a sulky way.

I think she would be cute. Really really cute. I am smiling just at the thought of her being cute with me. If I could,I would hug her and pinch her cheeks.

Even better, If I could kiss her lips. Those luscious lips. I gulp at the thought. I smack my head with my hand.

"Are you ok Changkyun ah?" Jooheon asked him with curious stare.

"Yeah, I am fine hyung." I replied while smiling nervously at him.

"Are you sure because you look flushed to me." Jooheon asked again.

"Yeah, I just feel hot all of sudden maybe I should go take some fresh air outside." I said while walking away from Jooheon.

"Is he okay?" Kihyun asked Jooheon because he saw how flushed Changkyun was.

"Yeah, He said he was okay." Jooheon replied Kihyun.

"Maybe he was having a dirty thought but you interrupted him." Wonho said suddenly.

"Maybe,because he was unusually silent while sitting beside me..." Jooheon trails off as if realizing something.

"No wonder he slapped himself." Jooheon whispered.
"What to do? What to do?" I keep thinking that while pacing back and forth.

I suddenly get an idea on what to do tomorrow. I hope this will make her forgive me.

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