A Strange Beginning

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Chapter 1

A Strange Beginning

Location: ???

Time: ???

In the desert where usually sand and cacti are homed, were two rather strange things to be in a desert.

In this desert were...cars?...The two female cars slowly opened their eyes...one was a Light Pink 1951 Hudson hornet and the other was a aquamarine 2018 Camry.

The Hudson Hornet slowly opened her yellow and red eyes "What the?..." She groaned as her eyes fluttered at the light coming from the lovely sun above her.

The Camry also opened her eyes but her eyes were orchid with a mix of aquamarine and black. "Ugh...the light..." The Camry groaned as the Hudson Hornet looked over at the Camry now with her eyes settled with the light around her.

"Who...WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!? WHY ARE YOU A CAR?!" The Hudson Hornet yelled then looked down at her hood and gasped "WHY AM I A CAR?!"

"Huh?" The Camry looked down at her hood "WHAT THE HECK!" She yelled. The two screamed at each other...but then slowly stopped "I...vy?" The Hudson Hornet asked, making the Camry tense up "Grace?"

The two cars seemed to recognize each other's screaming and eye color "Where are we?...Are we dreaming?" The Hudson Hornet also known as Grace asked "I don't know...Why are we in a desert?..."

"I don't know Ivy...what happened before we got here? Do you remember?" Grace asked making Ivy go into thought "Yeah...I do!" Ivy said with a smile "All I can remember is the sleepover though...I can't remember anything before that..."


"I can't believe we were able to sneak in another sleepover!" Grace cheered hopping onto the couch with Ivy on the other side of the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her lap "I know, and our parents aren't even here! What kind of luck is that!?"

"The best of luck!" Grace cheered as she looked over at the tv playing the cars movie "Hey! If you were in the cars movie what car would you be?" Grace asked with curiosity.

"Hmm...I would say a 2018 Camry. How about you?" Ivy asked stuffing a handful of popcorn into her mouth "Easy! 1951 Hudson Hornet!" Grace answered leaning back onto the couch.

"Really?" Ivy scoffed as Grace rolled her eyes "Doc's a cool looking car okay?!" Grace groaned crossing her arms "I ain't judging!" Ivy giggled rolling her eyes.

"Anyway it's getting late, let's get some rest."


-The Present-

"That's all I can remember." Ivy said "Oh...I remember now...so this is a dream?" Grace asked looking around the desert "Probably...Should we go explore this...desert?..." Ivy asked "Sure I guess...so...do we drive or?..."

As you can see...the girls didn't know how to operate their car bodies "Hold on..." Ivy closed her windshield eyes as Grace stared at her.

Ivy imagined herself walking...when she was a human...would this even work? "Ivy you're driving!" Ivy jumped then opened her eyes to see she was indeed moving.

"Woah!" When Ivy imagined herself stopping she stopped! "How you do that?!" Grace asked as Ivy laughed "Just imagine yourself walking! And to stop! Just imagine yourself stopping!"

Grace nodded her front side then imagined herself walking making her slowly go forward "There you go!" Ivy yelled as Grace smiled "Yay!" She cheered stopping as Ivy giggled.

"Great, we know how to drive!...Now what?" Grace asked, making Ivy's face go blank "We...find a town or...a road!" Ivy answered, making Grace nod "Okay, let's get going then!" 

If We Were in The Cars Movie (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now