Teach Me

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Chapter 19

Teach Me

Location: Radiator Springs

Time: 9:59AM

Grace drove down the road with Doc by her side "So where are we going?" Doc asked "I don't know, wherever the wind takes us I guess." Grace answered looking around at the desert terrain. Doc glanced over at her "How did you even end up in the desert?" Doc asked making Grace tense up "I...don't remember." Grace answered nervously looking down at the ground as Doc stared at her suspiciously.

Doc decided to just ignore that topic for now "Why do you act so childish?" Doc asked which made Grace giggle "Well...Guess you can say Ivy's childish nature rubbed off on me. Oh look a snek :3" Grace and Doc looked down at a snake slithering in front of them. The snake was a mini train lol. "Yep that's a snake." Doc said as the snake slithered off the road "Snek :3"

"Yep...snek." Doc chuckled as Grace giggled "You're a weird car.." Doc commented as they continued to drive down the road "Thanks." Grace chuckled "You and Ivy. What does shipping even mean?" Doc asked making Grace snort "Shipping is when people want two characters or people to be in a romantic sort of relationship." Grace answered looking away embarrassed as Doc tensed up a bit.

"So...Ivy wants us to be in a relationship?" Doc asked making Grace nod her front side "I know it's stupid. We're just friends right?" Grace asked looking back up at Doc. "Uh-Yeah just friends." Doc said, making Grace nod with a sigh "Ivy's weird." Grace said, making Doc nod his front side "Yeah hehe." He chuckled.

Then there was an awkward silence...Grace decided to break it. "Why don't you like Lightning?" Grace asked, making Doc groan "I think you should know why. He's very selfish and annoying..." Doc answered making Grace snort "Yeah heh. It's very funny to watch him complain. Me and Ivy like to tease him lol." Grace chuckled, making Doc smirk "It is fun to tease the kid." Doc said, making Grace nod her front side.

"Can you show me your racing moves?" Grace asked, making Doc groan "Ivy told you?" Doc asked, making Grace chuckle "Guess you can say that, lol." Grace said, making Doc raise a brow "What does lol mean?" Doc asked Grace snort then chuckle "It's a thing the youngins say lol." Grace said, making Doc nod "Okay then..."

"Still you didn't answer my question, can you teach me some moves?" Grace asked making Doc stop driving "Teach you?" Doc asked as Grace stopped then turned around to Doc "Uh yeah...teach me the ways of the Fabulous Hudson Hornet." Grace said making Doc sigh then smile "Okay then. Let's go to Willy's Butte."

-A few moments later-

The two approached Willy's Butte "Welp here we are." Grace said driving up to the place where her and Ivy watched the race between Doc and Lightning. "So...you wanna learn how to race?" Doc asked driving up next to Grace "Well, yeah it sounds fun!" Grace exclaimed looking down the track. Doc chuckled "Yeah it was fun." Doc said "What you two doin'?" The two jump then look over at Grace's side to see Ivy giggling.

"You scared us!" Grace said, giggling, Doc tried to hold his laugh but did let a little chuckle escape his lips. "Still what are you guys doing?" Ivy asked slowly calming down "I was going to teach Grace some racing moves." Doc answered as Grace nodded. "Oh Okay, can you teach me too?" Ivy asked with a little smile as Doc sighed "Sure why not." Doc answered "Yey :3"

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