The Sheriff

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Chapter 2

The Sheriff

Location: ???

Time: 8:43AM

The two girls were driving down a barren road they stumbled across, hoping it led to somewhere with someone who can help them. "We've been driving forever..." Ivy groaned, making Grace raise a lid "We've been on this road for like 10 minutes."

"I KNOW BUT IT FEELS LIKE FOREVERRRRR!" Ivy growled making Grace roll her eyes and chuckle "I know Ivy but we have to keep walking....or...driving..." Grace said with a blank face "Yeah, it's going to take a while for us to get used to our car bodies."

As Grace chuckled, Ivy realized something..."You know Grace...your voice do I put it...older..." Ivy said, making Grace's eyes widen a bit "I do sound a bit different don't I?" Grace asked, listening to her did sound a bit more gruff than usual.

"Yeah, maybe since you're a old car you gained some years." Ivy said with a snort making Grace glare at her with a blank stare "YOU A BOOMER LOL!" Ivy yelled as Grace continued to glare at her "WHY YOU BULLY ME?!" Grace yelled sadly making Ivy's face go blank "Sowwy."

Grace's sad expression turned to a smile in a second "I forgive you!" Grace exclaimed making Ivy chuckled. When Ivy looked to the side she stopped chuckling "Look!"

Grace looked over at where Ivy was looking to see a familiar sign "Welcome to Radiator Springs! Gateway to Ornament Valley!" Grace read excitedly "WOO! Radiator Springs is just up ahead! Maybe they can help us!" Ivy cheered "Let's go!"

Grace then sped off "WOAH!" She yelled at the sudden speed making Ivy giggle "GET BACK HERE!" Ivy yelled zooming after the pink hudson hornet. The Camry's engine revving woke up a certain someone that was resting beside the sign.

The police car jumped awake "Huh?" The police car looked around the scene "WOOOHOOO!" He jumped then looked down the road to see two cars speeding towards the town "Not in my town you don't!"

The police car turned on his sirens then began to speed after the two cars. As the two cars were hooting and laughing Ivy looked through her rear view mirror to see a police car starting to catch up to them "Grace! We got company!"

Grace jumped as she began to hear the sirens "Oh shoot! I totally forgot about Sheriff! We need to pull over!" Grace yelled, making Ivy nod her front side. At the same time the two cars slammed on their breaks making Sheriff start to slow down.

When the two went to a complete stop Sheriff pulled up beside the two "Do you two know how fast you were going?" Sheriff asked as the two looked down at the floor "No..." Grace mumbled as Ivy sighed "Give us a break...There weren't any speed limit signs!"

"I-..." Sheriff went silent for a second "Well your right about that...we should really put some signs up." Sheriff said, making Ivy smirk "See?" Ivy asked as Grace chuckled.

Sheriff sighed "Okay, okay...I'll let you ladies off with a warning." Sheriff said, making Grace smile "Thank you officer it won't happen again." Grace thanked as Ivy rolled her eyes.

"So...where are you ladies heading?" Sheriff asked, "We're heading to Radiator Springs." Ivy answered beginning to drive down the road with Grace by her side "Really? Well everyone's gonna be ecstatic when you two arrive."

"Really? Why's that?" Grace asked even though she already knew why "Well we haven't had customers in years." Sheriff answered "Really? Well I'm sure we can help but...we don't have any money..." Ivy said awkwardly " see we...just woke up in the desert..."

Sheriff raised a lid "What?! You just randomly woke up in the desert?" Sheriff asked in disbelief "Yeah that's what she said." Ivy said with a blank face "I know it sounds stupid...Do you think anyone could hook us up with a place to stay?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure Sally can let you stay in two of the cones." Sheriff answered "Great! Let's get going!"

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