After the Little Tour

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Chapter 4

After The Little Tour

Location: Radiator Springs

Time: 10:27AM

"And that concludes Mater's Radiator Springs tour!" Mater said as he, Grace, and Ivy drove over to The Cozy Cone "Thanks for the tour Mater!" Ivy thanked "Yeah, it was nice to get to know the town." Grace said with a smile "Oh shoot! It ain't a problem! Hey I'm doing something later tonight! Wanna come?" Mater asked.

The girls looked at each other with grins "And what are you doing tonight?" Ivy asked as Grace giggled. Mater looked around for any cars then leaned in "I'm doing a little thing called tractor tipping, I figured you two might like it!" Mater whispered.

"Oh we'll like it alright! So when are we gonna meet up?" Ivy asked snickering "How about 8 tonight?" Mater asked "Sounds like a plan." Grace said as the three of them giggled like children "Oh this is going to be fuuuun!" Mater yelled "What's going to be fun?"

The three cars jumped then looked over at Sheriff and Doc driving over to them "Oh! N-Nothing Sheriff!" Mater said as the two girls giggled "Are you going tractor tipping Mater?" Doc asked, making Mater shake his front side "Oh of course not Doc! Me and the new girls were just talking about how...we were gonna organise my junk!"



Sheriff and Doc looked at the three suspiciously "Okay then..." Sheriff said sternly then they all went silent for a second "Oh, hey you guys haven't met Doc didn't ya?" Mater asked turning to the girls, "No we haven't." Ivy answered.

"Well, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Doc Hudson." Doc introduced "I'm Grace, and this is Ivy." Grace introduced pointing her tire to Ivy when she said Ivy "Nice to meet ya!" Ivy said smiling "Nice to meet you too."

"Isn't this great Doc! You gotta another Hudson Hornet to hang out with, and she's a lady!" Mater exclaimed, making Doc sigh "I'm sure it is..." Doc groaned as Ivy, Grace, and Sheriff chuckled "I'm sure we can be good friends, Doc."

"Welp I'm going to get a quart over at Flo's, why don't you two get a quart too." Sheriff asked the two girls "Sure, I guess..." Ivy said then the three of them drove off leaving Mater and Doc alone "Y'know those two are very nice! I hope they stay, don't you?" Mater asked Doc "I don't know Mater...this is just their first day, who knows if they decide to's their choice."

Lol this was very short oof

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