Doc's a Famous Race Car

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Chapter 18

Doc's a Famous Race Car

Location: Radiator Springs

Time: 9:03AM

It was now morning, Ivy drove out of her cone with a big yawn. Ivy stretched out her tires as Lightning zoomed out of his cone making her yelp. Lightning looked over at Ivy "Morning Ivy! Bye Ivy!" Lightning then drove off as Ivy watched him confused. "I'm bored so might as well follow him." Ivy said then drove away from her cone following Lightning.

Lightning busted into Doc's building "Hey, have you seen the Sheriff?" Lightning asked then looked up at Sheriff on a ramp with his undercarriage showing, making him gasp "Oh! Oh, my gosh. Oh!" Doc turned to Lightning a bit annoyed "Hey, what are you doin'?!" Doc asked "Getting a good peak, City boy?" Sheriff asked as Ivy approached Lightning and her eyes widened "All heck no." Ivy whispered then backed up out of sight.

"I, a.. a.. I just need my daily gas ration from the Sheriff." Lightning stuttering trying his best to keep his eyes off Sheriff "Wait for him at Flo's! Now get outta here!" Doc yelled which offended Lightning "I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET OUTTA HERE FOR 3 DAYS!" Lightning yelled then backed up out of Doc's building as Ivy snickered "Hope you enjoyed the show!"

Ivy drove up next to Lightning "Got a hard life don't ya?" Ivy mocked as Lightning groaned then kicked a can on the ground with his tire. The can ended up bouncing into Doc's garage and knocking down a bunch of crap. Lightning stopped then turned around with a wince "Ooh you in trouble!" Ivy smirked as Lightning just ignored Ivy's comment and approached the garage with Ivy following him.

When the two went into the garage Lightning's frown slowly faded and turned into a smirk "Whoa ho, Doc. Time to clean out the garage, buddy, come on." Lightning said as Ivy looked up at the Piston Cup in front of the window. "Hey Lightning look." Ivy said with a snort making Lightning glance over at the window to see a Piston Cup resting in front of it with wrenches in the cup.

Ivy smirks as Lightning turns to the Piston Cup with shock "What?...He has a Piston Cup?" Lightning asked "He stole it." Ivy snorted as Lightning turned his gaze down to the floor and saw another Piston cup. Lightning approached the cup then moved some of the boxes to reveal a third Piston Cup "Oh, my gosh. Three Piston Cups...?" Lightning continued to stare at the cups with mouth and eyes wide as Ivy looked over at the cups "Well what do you know." Ivy said as Lightning looked over at a newspaper on the floor of the Fabulous Hudson Hornet "Sign says stay out."

Lightning jumped then turned to the door with Ivy to see Doc staring at them angrily "You, You've three Piston Cups. How could you have-?" Before Lightning could finish his question Doc drove into the garage "I knew you couldn't drive. I didn't know you couldn't read." Ivy drove out as Doc pushed Lightning out of the garage "You're the Hudson Hornet!" Lightning said as they exited the garage "Wait over at Flo's like I told you to, and Ivy go hang out with Grace!"

"Nu lol." Ivy said with a smirk turning to Doc "Of course. I can't believe I didn't see it before! You're The Fabulous Hudson Hornet! You still hold the record for most wins in a single season! Oh, we gotta talk! You gotta show me your tricks! Please!" Lightning begged making Doc back up into his garage "I already tried that!"

"I mean he ain't wrong." Ivy snorted but Lightning ignored her "And you won the championship three times! Look at those trophies!" Lightning exclaimed trying to look behind Doc "You look..All I see is a bunch of empty cups." Doc then closed the garage doors on the two making Lightning frown and Ivy roll her eyes "I'm gonna go talk to Grace." Ivy said then drove off and so did Lightning "Bye then..."

Ivy then drove over to Grace's cone to see her outside stretching "Overslept?" Ivy asked as Grace flinched and looked over at Ivy "I did?" She asked a bit surprised, making Ivy snort "Yeah. You missed the part where Lightning found out Doc was the Hudson Hornet." Ivy said making Grace gasp "I did? Aww..." Grace put on a face of disappointment as Ivy giggled "Oh don't be sad lol. Why don't you go talk with Doc?" Ivy asked with a smirk making Grace roll her eyes "Okay fine."

Grace drove off as Ivy giggled "Little twat." Grace scoffed as she approached Doc's building. When Grace drove up to Doc's garage she knocked her tire on the door "You there Doc?" Grace asked. No answer...Grace sighed "I know you're there Doc..." Grace said but again there was no answer.

Grace groaned "Well I'm going to come in." Grace said then approached the door only for Doc to burst out angrily "I expect better out of you!" He bursted as Grace backed up. "S-Sorry! I just wanted to see if you were okay." Grace said as Doc backed up back into the garage "I'm fine!" Doc growled as Grace approached him "You don't sound very fine." Grace said as she drove into the garage "Just leave me alone..."

"Hey Doc it's okay just breath." Grace cooed as Doc turned away "Grace...." Doc groaned as Grace drove up next him "Just relax and take a deep breath..." Grace said, making Doc groan "I don't need to..." Doc snarled as Grace chuckled "Just do it!" Grace said, making Doc sigh "Fine okay." Doc then took a few deep breaths before finally relaxing.

"Feeling better?" Grace asked, making Doc nod his front side "A bit." Doc answered "No no no no no, it's true! He's a real racing legend. He's The Fabulous Hudson Hornet!" The two looked out the window to see Lightning talking with the other residents "Fabulous? I never seen Doc drive more than 20 miles an hour. I mean, have you ever seen him race?" Flo asked with disbelief as Doc and Grace approached the window.

"No, but I wish I could have... They say he was amazing, he won three Piston Cups!" Lightning exclaimed, making Mater spit out his oil "He did what in his cups!?" Mater asked, making Grace snort and Doc glance at her. Grace looked back "What? It was funny!" Grace asked, making Doc roll his eyes.

"I think the heat's starting to get to the boy!"

"Well, I'll say! Look how red he is!"

"Yeah, I think he needs a new coat of poly, man."

"Are you sick, buddy?"

"You are looking a little peaked."

"Yeah, he needs a new coat of poly for sure!"

Lightning frowns during all the comments but then out of nowhere a pump is put into Lightning's fuel door and fuel is pumped into him "Hey-Hey! What are you doing?!" Sheriff asked as it was revealed that Sally was the one filling Lightning with gas "It's okay, Sheriff. You can trust me, right?" Sally asked lifting her tire off the pedal that activated the pump "I trust you, all right. It's him I'm worried about."

Doc glares a bit at Sally as Grace giggled "Oh she's just giving him a chance." Grace said as they continued to watch the scene. "Hm...I trust him." Sally said looking over at Lightning as he looked back with a little smirk forming "C'mon let's take a drive." Sally said which confused Lightning "A drive?' Lightning asked, raising a lid "Yeah, a drive. Don't you big city race cars ever just take a drive?"

"Uh, No. No, we don't." The pump shakes a bit telling Sally that Lightning was fueled up. Without saying anything Sally drives onto the road, Lightning lifts his body up a bit to make the pump go back up. Lightning then drove onto the road but then he locked eyes down the freedom.

Doc glared with a little snarl making Grace nudge him "Don't worry he's not leaving just yet." Grace said as Lightning turned down the road as everything went silent. As Lightning stared down the road Sheriff glared at him as he turned on his siren lights. When Sally noticed Lightning wasn't following she turned around and stopped "Hey, Stickers! Do you comin' or what?" Sally then turns around making Lightning slowly drive around then follow her.

"Told you." Grace said giving Doc a little nudge, "Mm-hm! And you thought he was gonna run." Flo said as Sheriff turned off his siren lights "Hey, can you believe it, man? He actually thought Doc was a famous race-car! Hahahaha! That's so too much!" Doc's expression changed to a sad one. Grace noticed his expression "You okay?" She asked making Doc look up at her "Yeah..." Doc said then drove away from the window with Grace following.

"Do you want to go on another drive?" Grace asked, making Doc perk up "Uh...sure why not?" Doc answered, making Grace smile "C'mon then." Grace said then drove over to the door with Doc following her.

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