I Called Them

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Chapter 23

I Called Them

Location: Radiator Springs

Time: 7:26 AM

Grace and Ivy were in Doc's office trying to get Doc to tell the others what he did. "I'm not telling them and we aren't going to California!" Doc yelled, making the two roll their eyes "You'll have to tell them eventually..." Grace said driving up next to Doc "And that time is now." Ivy said kinda sternly. "Don't talk to me in that tone..." Doc growled making Grace chuckle and nuzzle him "C'mon just go and tell them..then we can go see Lightning!" Grace exclaimed as Doc tiredly nuzzled her back.

"Just get it over with Doc..." Ivy groaned getting a bit tired of trying to get Doc out of his office. Doc went silent for a moment before he let out a groan "Fine..." Doc said, making Ivy and Grace sigh with relief "Finally!" Grace said, making Doc chuckle "C'mon..." Doc said as he drove out of his office with Gwen and Ivy following. "Are you sure we should go to California?" Doc asked "Oh we're going to California whether you like it or not, old man!" Ivy answered with a snicker making Doc roll his eyes "Okay...Okay..."

Everyone else was at Flo's cafe, no one was talking and didn't even feel like talking. As Grace, Doc, and Ivy approached no one even bothered to look up...except for Sally who shot a glare at Doc. Doc noticed Sally's glare making him sigh "I can't do this..." He whispered to Grace and Ivy "Just tell them okay..." Grace whispered making Ivy nod. "Okay...Everyone!...I have a confession to make!" Doc yelled making everyone perk up "What is it Doc?" Sally asked, a bit annoyed.

Doc went silent "Go on..." Ivy said nudging Doc with her tire making him let out a frustrated sigh "I called them." Doc said, making everyone gasp except for Sally who rolled her eyes "Why would you do that, man?" Fillmore asked "He wanted to get rid of Lightning!" Sally growled as Grace drove in front of Doc "But he did have a reason! Tell em Doc!" Grace said driving to the side as everyone focused their attention on Doc.

"....Remember when Lightning said I was the Fabulous Hudson Hornet?" Doc asked, making the others laugh "Oh yeah. The heat really got to him didn't it?" Sheriff asked as they continued to laugh, making Doc groan "He was right!" Doc yelled making everyone shut up and turn to him "What?..heh..you have to be joking." Ramone said, making Doc shake his hood "Come with me." Doc said backing up then driving off. The others glanced at each other confused before following Doc.

Doc led all the residents to his building "If I wasn't the Hudson Hornet. Why would I have these?" Doc asked as they drove to the side of his building. When they all got to the side they gasped, against the wall were his three piston cups all cleaned up from all the dust. Mater gasped dramatically, "You stole them!" Mater yelled, making everyone laugh "No Mater, I'm actually the Hudson Hornet." Doc said making Mater gasp again "Dadgum! You are?" Mater asked, making Doc nod.

"Why didn't you tell us, Doc?" Flo asked making Doc sigh "I wanted to leave my racing days behind...The reason I didn't like Lightning here was because he reminded me of my racing days." Doc said looking down making Grace nuzzle him "That does make sense...but you can't just push someone away because of your past..." Sally said making Doc nod "I know that....I'm going to make it up to you guys. We're going to California and seeing Lightning's race!" Doc said, making everyone gasp then cheer "Don't take credit for our idea Doc!"

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