𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 [ᴋᴛʜ ᴘᴏᴠ]

635 9 23

I can't believe we've been stuck here for three hours.

BTS, known as the most powerful boy band worldwide. On camera, we never show the side that holds the hardships and insecurities. No, since the beginning of our training, we were taught how to hide everything very well. As much as we would love to be real, some things are beyond some people's understanding. For example, being in a relationship with a band member, that's very wrong, right?

Well, that's what happened to my boyfriend and I. Together, we are stronger than ever. But, like every other relationship: we have problems. You might think that it's easy, but we have a lot to do and very little time. It's not easy to just schedule a time to sit down and talk until we solve it, no, we have too much to focus on for that. This time: the problem was stupid and we made it bigger than necessary.

It all started with rumours. Disgusting rumours that we never allow in our relationship, we have built a dam that doesn't allow that negativity in, but sometimes even we have our faults. We hadn't made enough time for each other in a while, we had been out on a tour, everything was hectic. Everything started to fall apart.

Jungkook decided it would be a good idea to go out in the streets of New York late at night, alone. Without letting anyone know. And you can guess what kinds of problems that caused. I was the first to notice him gone, and I informed Namjoon. Everything turned into shit since we didn't know where the hell he was if he was kidnapped or something. We were all worried as hell for the maknae.

He got home at 3 AM, drunk out of his mind. Knocked in our room at that time and started yelling at me as he told me everything was my fault since I wasn't paying attention to him. Drunk words are sober thoughts. That was the first thing that came to my mind, as I broke down crying to the moon and stars, asking them for advice. Amazing how much of an impact a person has on me.

Of course, the hangover was horrible and he didn't remember anything. I grew colder towards him, we made a promise to never hide what we felt. He broke it. That's what hurt me the most, and now knowing that there could be other things he was hiding me from me. I started distancing myself a little from him, not wanting to remain much time alone with him. Yes, it was childish but that's what my heart told me to do. I just follow the commands.

It went on for around two weeks, and it was noticeable to everyone. The tension was palpable, already been touched by the members once or twice. Everything was falling apart, the teamwork was bad, I refused to work with him and he just stared at me with sadness decorating his eyes. Namjoon talked with me, but it didn't go so well as I didn't want to cooperate in the situation.

Now, we're stuck in our room at the hotel, locked out from the world around us. There is no way to get out, the members have the key. But even I admit this is necessary, the team is having issues because of us and that's the only condition that the manager gave us before allowing us to date each other while being in the group. This time, we both broke the promise we made to a lot of people. It's about time we talk.

I can feel his saddened stare as he looks at me from the bed. He had lied down long ago as he was still tired from the interview we had come from, but I just stood there, emotionless and thinking about what was happening. There was nothing more than I wanted to do other than fix this, but I was too stubborn to give in first. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard sniffles coming from the other side of the room. Fuck, my baby boy.

"Look, whatever I did, I'm sorry. I don't wanna lose you," He said, mumbling and his words stumbling over the other. A jumble of words that I understood perfectly. "You know you mean the world to me..."

I stayed silent as I looked at the crystal tears cascading down his porcelain skin. So perfect and ethereal, no flaws to be found within him. Behind that gorgeous face was also a beautiful soul that was only opened to those he trusted. I was allowed inside prematurely, and that made me realize how stupid I've been. How could I let someone so precious get hurt over my childish actions? I instantly ripped down my act and ran over to him, engulfing him in my arms, giving him the comfort he had been seeking.

"No, baby. I'm so sorry, I was stupid. We should have talked, I should have come to you because you didn't know anything. I'm so sorry, precious." I felt the tears brim my eyes, temporarily blinding me as everything became blurry. A little sob escaped my mouth, which caused him to tightly wrap his arms around me. "Let's talk, yeah?"

He nodded against my shirt and we got off each other. We sat in the bed facing each other, but holding hands. For around ten minutes, we stared into our eyes, seeing as their mirrored the other. Falling in love all over again, finding infinite comfort in the other. We realize how lucky we are to have each other, but we sometimes disregard that fact.

We talked for hours, shed tears together, and fixed everything. New promises were made, new types of love were found. And now, we stare at the stars together, glancing up at them and whispering to each other in the darkness, using the moon as our guide. Being each other's warm and forte. Cuddled up together in the large bed, until the door creaked open and five guys crashed to the bed to mess up our night of reconciliation.

"We are, we are, together bulletproof."

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