Chapter 1: Todoroki

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Everyone in my class at UA has different goals, different motivations for becoming a hero, including myself. Eijiro Kirishima has the most amazing spirit. He's always the one to shout encouraging words during a fight, and he believes in himself, and everyone else. If I'm being honest with myself, I wish I was more like him, but my past keeps me from being that way.
The green haired one, Izuku Midoriya, I can see a lot in him, joy, sadness, longing, bravery, but most of all, determination. He wants to become the world's greatest hero one day. I don't doubt that he could do it. He definitely has the spirit and determination that any person must have to become a hero.
Though to most people it's impossible to see, Katsuki Bakugo is a lot like Midoriya, in some ways, and in other ways they are polar opposites. They both aim for the top. They are blind to anything else in their path. Both have this incredible determination to become the best, which is almost always the reason for their disagreements. I think Bakugo is farther off from becoming number one because of his violent nature. He could never save anyone like that. But everyone looks past him thinking, he would be an awful hero, but I know he has his reasons for the way he is, and he's smarter than most.
I know why I want to become a hero. I think people who save others, and put their lives on the line every day, are amazing, and I want to be just like them. The question that bothers me every day, every time I look at my father is, Why am I here? Wanting to be a hero and actually taking the steps to become one are two different things. Am I actually here because I want to be a hero, or am I here because of my father? If my father hadn't existed, would I have been brave enough to apply to UA when it was solely my choice?
I go over all of this for the hundredth time in my head as walk the familiar path to UA High, the best school in Japan for those who want to become heroes. I hear a quiet rumbling noise behind me to my left. It's getting louder and louder as it nears. I whip my head around just in time to see Iida, speeding past me in full rain gear, with Midoriya running after him in the rain. "Hurry up Todoroki! You're going to be late!" He yells to me. Iida is our class rep. He's one of the top students in our class. Whatever he's doing is working, but he needs to learn to take it easy.
Momo is better at making quick decisions in a crisis because she's able to keep a level head, not just in crisis but in normal situations in life.
As for me, I'm one of the top students too, but failing my provisional licensing exam has really slowed me down.
When I get to class people are scattered around the room, talking, the usual.
"Get out of my way Icy hot." That sounds familiar. A rough shoulder hits mine as Bakugo brushes passed me and slumps in his seat. It didn't hurt. It was only meant to annoy me, but I won't let it. I glance around the room again, realizing that he could have just gone down the other isle to get to his desk, though I don't care.
I start toward my seat when I notice Midoriya and Iida talking about the League of Villains. Both have serious looks on their faces, and Deku has a hand on his chin and looks like he's in deep thought. Iida tends to have an influence on Deku when they are discussing something important. But what could the League of Villains have to do with anything right now?
Suddenly I'm having a flash back. There's a dimly lit room, with an open window that allows a cool breeze to flow through it. Soft fabric falls around my legs when move them. I recognize my old room immediately. Floor boards creek outside my bedroom door. I turn on my side towards the noise and prop up on one elbow. I squint in the dark as I try to fight to keep my eyes open. My eyelids are heavy with grogginess. My older brother Daichi appears in the hallway, sneaking by my room as quietly as he can. I can't see what he's wearing, but he has a mask over his nose and mouth, and a pack slung over his shoulder. He turns and sees me. For a moment panic flickers behind his eyes. Then he slowly raises a finger to his lips, silencing me. All I can do is stare. He mouths the words: Goodbye Shoto, and leaves.
I'm back in the classroom. What in the world was that? I remember that day so clearly. But why all of a sudden...? The flashbacks are occurring more frequently now, almost every day. I wonder if I should be worried.
Mr. Aizawa enters the room, closing the door behind him, and everyone runs to their seats. I'm already in my seat. He looks slightly annoyed as he walks up to the small podium at the front of the room, but then again, he always does.
"Morning class. Let's get this over with so I can take a nap".
He gets straight to business. I pull out my notebook. I want to make sure I stay ahead. Even though I might not have my license, I'm still one of the top ranked students in our class.
He goes on for a while about hero work studies. I guess now with Bakugo back he has even more to say about them. But the whole time my mind keeps drifting back to that night in my room.
That's not important right now. I need to focus, I tell myself. Everyone else is doing their best, I can't fall behind. I have to get my provisional license soon.
I look up. Deku is scribbling furiously in his notebook and Momo is staring intensely at Mr. Aizawa, her brow furrowed in concentration.
I look to the front of the room. Ashido looks bored as she doodles something on her hand. I notice Kaminari fiddling with something under his desk. Haven't they learned anything from having to cram so hard right before final exams last year? I'm startled when I see that what Kaminari has is what looks like Jiro's cell phone. When did he get that? And how hasn't Aizawa noticed yet? I have to remind myself that he probably already has, and the look on his face confirms my guess. He's most likely waiting until after class to draw attention to it.
The sound of the bell pulls me from my thoughts.
"Well, class is over so, see you tomorrow." Aizawa says as he leaves. The room erupts into noise.
"I wonder where I can do my hero work study." Uraraka is talking with Momo and Asui.
"I hope that Fourth Kind will take me for a work study." Kirishima says.
As I watch everyone talk about what's coming, all I can think about is getting my license, it's crucial. I'm one step behind everyone else. I have to find some way to stay caught up.
Some of the others begin gathering their things to leave and I start to do the same.
As I walk out of the room I realize that Aizawa never said anything about Kaminari charging Jiro's phone. Those two getaway with too much. It's annoying.

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