Chapter 8: Todoroki

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I wander through the streets of Tokyo, trying to blend in as well as I can. It's not easy when you're the second place finalist in the UA sports festival, even with a disguise. Several people give me looks. I avert my eyes and keep my gaze focused on the ground. I'm wearing a black jacket with the hood pulled up over my head, but I don't have anything to mask the scar on my face. I also have with me a small pack slung over my shoulder, just some things in case of an emergency. The lights of the tall buildings and sounds of bustling people start to dissipate as I walk farther to the outskirts of the city where it's less Urban, as the dark night grows deeper.
As I walk, I think back on the training camp attack. I remember that one crazy villain that kept changing his mind mid-sentence -well, I guess they're all crazy- mentioned something about Midoriya and I being on shigaraki's kill list. Now that I think about it, maybe it was his quirk.
Poor little Shoto Todoroki, The memory appears in my mind as quickly as it disappears.
How did they know so much about the training camp? They knew where it would be and who would be there. Is it possible that they know I'm coming now? Do they want me to come?
I stop in my tracks. Do they know I'm coming? Most of my flashbacks have been of League of Villains. They could be controlling me. They can't be forcing me to have flashbacks somehow, can they? No one's quirk can do that. There's no way they know I'm coming. But still, that crazy villain freaked me out. They have to have some information that I don't right now. They're going to kill me. A wave of nausea hits me. I push it down.
No, I won't let them. I'm just here to find out who the guy with the blue fire is. That's it, if I have to fight, then I'll win.
I pick up pace through the streets, wanting to do this as fast as I can. In and out. I tell myself silently.
Though something isn't right. As I walk through the streets, a newly present feeling of uncertainty and fear stays stuck in the back of my mind the whole way.

When I reach the base, I'm at a large building made of metal and concrete that looks like a storage place or factory of some sort. The tall metal fence surrounding it is less than welcoming. The lights of the city glitter behind me, and I turn away from them and scale the fence. I jump down and start to observe the building. It looks quiet and empty. There is a rusty set of steel double doors in the front wall, but they look locked and trying to break them open would make too much noise.
Searching the perimeter of the building for any sign of an entrance, I only see a skinny ladder on the back wall that goes all the way up the building. Deciding to climb it, I grab the first rung and start to climb, when I reach the roof, I jump on top. There's no way to get into the building from here, no secret trap door or stairs. That's stupid. I climb down, and keep searching. Finally, I find an open window about thirty feet off the ground in one of the side walls. That's not too high. There's a bunch of crates stacked against the back wall, but they look heavy. I could use those to get up there, but I wouldn't be able to move them without making a sound.
After a while of searching, I decide my ice is the best option. At least it won't be noisy if I go slow.
I back away from the wall, and start to make a slab of ice in the shape of a ramp leading up to the window. I started it right under me, so I'll be on the top edge as it grew. I've practiced this motion time and time again. However, I've never used it to sneak into a villain base before.
I slowly bring myself up to the window, crouch down, and peer inside. It's so dark inside I can barely see. When my eyes adjust, I see a big room that almost takes up the entire inside of the building, but there are other doors scattered along the walls. When I was outside, I only saw one door, so there must be other rooms in this building.
Two stairways on either side of the room lead up to a platform that wraps around the whole room, with a large hollow middle that allows you to see down onto the floor where there are some people grouped together. The place appears to be so old that there's dust floating through the air.
What I see next makes me immediately regret my choice to ever even think about coming here.
I can vaguely make out the figures of human bodies moving around, but when they move closer into the light coming from a dim ceiling light, I can see their details.
One has a lifeless hand covering their face, another has on a skin-tight body suit and mask, and one is wearing a long orange coat and black top hat. Another has a skirt and pigtails, and is shorter than the others, and I notice the warp villain lingering in the corner. The last has a patchwork face, and wears a smirk on it.
I watch intensely as they all walk around or sit on crates the same as the ones outside. I wonder what's in them.
"Dabi, I'm getting restless. This is taking a lot longer than you said it would." Shigaraki says. I freeze, trying to be as silent as possible.
No one moves, and it takes me a second to figure out who's talking. "Trust me, he's coming. The last time I used my quirk on him, he confirmed it" Says the one with the patchwork face. So his name is Dabi.
The one with the mask jumps to his feet. "Oh please, I'm just waiting for the police to show up any second and arrest us all!" His voice deepens, "You're a reliable man Dabi, I trust you." He says. It's the villain with two personalities.
"To be fair, we should trust Dabi. He was the one that grabbed Bakugo after Compress failed." The warp villain says.
Compress, the one with the orange coat who's quirk allows him to compress and hold things, looks embarrassed. He grunts and looks like he's about to say something but decides against it. Dabi laughs softly.
"What?" Asks the one with pigtails.
"I knew after that, that none of you would be able to call me out for anything. It's nice to have some respect. And after this, I might even be more important than you Kurogiri." He says, looking over to the warp villain whose name must be Kurogiri.
"Sure, we'll see." says Shigaraki. "Well Dabi, you'd better be right."
This is good. I'm getting a lot of useful information. Maybe I should just stay here for a while and eavesdrop. I suddenly remember why I'm here. Though I would rather do anything but, I force my legs to move and I get up from the crouching position.
I need a plan to sneak inside. Ok, what do I know? I know all of their quirks except the girl's and the villain's with the mask. The warp villain will be the most dangerous. I need to take him out first. What was I thinking? I'm going to have to fight, there's no way to avoid that. The window is high enough up that it just reaches the top of the stairs. I could climb through and land on the platform. It's metal so it might echo in this big of a room, but if I'm silent and it's dark enough they probably won't notice me.
I can't avoid a fight, so I'll have to be prepared. An ice attack won't work on the warp villain unless his body is close to me, so I'll have to try to use my fire, which he can't dodge. He'll definitely come after me first.
Then I'll take out the rest of them with my ice. I'll just freeze them to the floor, and I'll make sure I knock out Dabi so he can't melt the ice. Hopefully neither of the two villains I'm unfamiliar with have powers they could use against that. If they do, I'm screwed. I'll just have to wing it from there.
As I climb through the window, a million thoughts run through my head. This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy. What am I doing? I feel my feet hit the floor. There's no turning back now.

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